Red vs Blue episode 6

RvB season 1 ep 6: 1.21 Giga-Whats "Freeze!" Church yelled to Donut as he fired off a warning shot. " Hey, why the hell are you shooting at me? You coulda hit me, dick!" Donut yelled at his attacker. " Can it. Don't try to play stupid with me, Sarge...

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A State of De-Nile

Some of his time traveling experience's had been less than ideal. his sharp eyes had told him that his present situation was going to be a tough one to get out of.

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"Core Nova" story easer

**_10 years before now..._** **_ _** "It's quite a shame, really..." That was all I could think of saying as I watched Lanif fall to his knees, struggling to stand as his body burned and froze and bleed out from piercing arrows. The young male...

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The Last Second

The fox sat at his desk, gazing wearily into the dim glow of the holodisplay. He'd been feeling nostalgic lately, recounting long aged memories from what seemed like thousands of years ago. He smirked for a moment, thousands of years is exactly what it...

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The Legend of Dusty Hollow (Commission for Wes13)

"come on then time traveler, let's see where this leads."

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Getting Prepared

Don't sweat the small stuff took on a new meaning when you could time travel. things became a bit easier overall when you treated it like a story outline too. here were the major points he knew of. this is where he starts, that's where he ends.

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A Long Way From Home

\>You are Anonymous \>You are a bland featured human, a pretentious college-student that's the scourge of every parent's bank account \>You'd like to think you're here today on some kind of soul-searching journey, Chris McCandles style (minus the...

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Together Forever - Chapter 5 (Final)

"Julie!  Jewel!  Calm down!  It's me!"Strong, warm arms held me tightly, supporting me.  My knees were weak and my body was shaking violently."Elise, please.  Elise, please.  Don't leave me.  Don't leave me," I rambled incessantly."Jewel!" the arms...

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Together Forever - Chapter 4

Mental exhaustion and deep anguish must have gotten the better of me, for I awoke to Elise's face hovering above me in the doorway."Come on, Jewel," she said, helping me to my feet."Don't leave me, again," I mumbled, stumbling after her."I'm not...

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Together Forever - Chapter 3

The next time my eyes opened they were greeted with the sight of a pile of dirty laundry in the corner of a room.  I blinked a few times and sat up, struggling for a brief moment to escape from the tangle of hand-knitted blankets around me."Julie," her...

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Together Forever - Chapter 2

As I was leaving work that same day, I found out that the storage facility where I kept my hoverbike was robbed.  Yep, robbed for the first time ever since I signed my life away to the big, bad media.  Naturally, any other person wouldn't be concerned....

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Together Forever - Chapter 1

Six AM sharp is when I silence my blaring alarm and force myself to throw the soft, warm blankets off of me.  Immediately, my bedside table begins a holographic projection of today's news,"Read headlines," I command and the news of the day echoes in my...

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