Kinktober 2018, Day 30 - Brand Testing

#30 of kinktober 2018 sigma tries out a new brand of adult diaper while having some fun, and finds it a much more transformatively pleasurable experience than normal. this story was written for sigma117 as day #30 of kinktober 2018.

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Hypnovember Day 8 - Forest

I bet i know some scenic routes that you haven't tried out." "i know, yeah..." lager kept glancing ahead of him, and back the way he came. which would be the best place to run to if he needed to beat a hasty retreat?

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Origin: Ty

"you can try out with the rest of the freshmen," he had said, "but even if you make the team i can't guarantee you'll get a scholarship." it took every bit of effort to keep up with everyone around me.

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Chapter Two

He tried out for basketball last year because his old man wanted him to try out but boy did he suck! when the coach told him to dribble the ball he dribbled with his feet, and i was glad he did not join the team.

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Humiliated Pleasures-Chapter 7

"first i want to thank all of you that have tried out for the cheerleading squad, we will be going over each of your performances and will put together a list together of those that have made the squad.

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Shopping Day (Hyper Story)

His bulge had swelled up to the point where even the super-stretchy underwear he was trying out wasn't able to contain what he had going on.

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Dragon Gym Daddies Pt 4

"hey, since we're supposed to be trying out the facilities, i think we should try out the entertainment, too, don't you?" "makes sense to me," said daisuke. "what did you have in mind?" batzz grinned.

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ARSENAL ch 1 pt 1

Today though all that was on her agenda was to put together that contract for trying out with the davenports. smiling grimly she thought how the others who tried out had no chance. she'd crush the competition.

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Play Me, Play You (QCP: BG-Eps08)

And worse... there's this high school play coming up that my teacher wants me to participate in, but i can't go try out for it because the try outs for the roles is done on a saturday and i can't be in two places at the same time."

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Fighting Cage Chapter 1

Any words you want to give to those who are wanting to try-out for the ffa in their futures?" "yeah," myles said, taking the microphone from the fennec.

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Origin: Gar

I was on the battle team for my old high school, but i haven't tried out for the team here yet. you wanna try out together?" "maybe," i mused, thinking it over. i glanced at slowbro, seeing his soft, friendly smile as he waited for my answer.

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Rafael Hayes joins the FBA

During most of his elementary school years, the coyote had been trying out everything as an extra curricular activity; from swimming to baseball to even singing at the church choir. and yet none of them have really worked out for him.

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