Fall '08 Snuff Project: A Master's Gift

And soon that nose sinks into the airless embrace of a python. his unconscious body never to rise once more even as the snake relaxes that fatal grasp.

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If one could hear sounds in the airless void of the moon's surface, one could hear a soft, made up song the girl was singing as she skipped.

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Fear the Hunters Chapter one

I yelled before an explosion rocked the compartment and the airlock hissed shut, sealing us in the cockpit and forcing us to don the environment suits or the alternative of dying in the now airless ship.

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Watching One's Weight (Roughish, Snuff/Vore)

The mouse's folds trembled and dribbled her sharp pleasure again as her mouth finally gasped airless. she was constricted down, unable to breathe or barely move.

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[yiff] Cerberus Journal - two third

We gasped airless. the expression on our faces clearly entertaining the many eyes around us, less and less distance away. this place was awfully prude!

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Last Days of the VSC Steadfast III [Mini-Fic]

The airless nature of the corridor made audible transmission difficult, the last time she tried to bring something electronic out here with her it broke, and frankly she couldn't understand the symbols pati used to actually count down anyway.

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Vixen Class

She always made sure to personally greet him and take his little darlings to be sealed up nice and tight, then take a little pleasure at their airless misfortune...

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Day 2) Hero

Perhaps it was the sense of airlessness as his eyes rolled while the upper chest of the cat slithered down his gullet agonizingly. but the thought that protruded and wrapped around his skull was...he enjoyed it.

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Short Drop, Sudden Stop

He's hanging, suspended over a dozen feet in the air, just a simple little knot and loop of rope to hold him by his throat until he finally succumbs to the airless dance. felix stares wide-eyed at the spinning room before him.

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Life's a Beach

The roaring noise in her ears grew in volume and her lungs threatened to implode with airlessness, and still he kept her under, blackness grabbing at her with eager fingers and erasing her consciousness speck by speck.

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trading meals (rough draft, vore)

The sudden jerking of legs from an airless embrace making the sphinx purr, knowing hir meal will be quite a fighter. but shi wants those wiggles in hir tummy, not without.

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Webshow Hijinx

His mind drifted in the airless stupor that threatened to envelop him, and while it was a far shot from his life flashing before his eyes, the boy's afternoon began to unfold a second time...

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