The Indigo Soul - large poem

**The Indigo Soul** Call me Indigo. Beyond the shades of color, Known by soul, The world's hidden truths. Call me Indigo. Join me on this planet, Where we're meant to be, A home for the soul. Call me Indigo. Purpose and path known,...

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A Poet's Purpose - short poem

A poet's thoughts, Like the words they write, Live, breathe, and flow in their heart and brain. It's the job of the poet to paint, This picture on your heart. To love, to hurt, to feel for you. Situations you'd never imagine. The hate, the...

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An Unforgiving Mind - medium poem

Daily horror, Unbeknownst to most, A war within my head. To wake gleeful is normal, None will see the signs. My hours at home, Fun and free, Feel nonexistent by noon. Wronged by venturing out, Leaving the peace of home. I'll wander in a...

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Lost in My Lover's Embrace - poetic story

To know there can be love, In the most intimate of scenes, Comforts my heart as I curl beside you. My head rests on your chest, Your fur is soft between my fingers. My nose is filled with your scent. Your sweetness fills me with desire. You've...

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A New State - medium poem

A hated place, full of misery and doubt, Hated by one and hated by more, Loved by the blind, the dumb, the fake, This is where I make my temporary nest. It's where I tried ending, where I found anew, Love and life, hope and beauty. Looking...

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