
AlphaSkunked By: Jizzal For: Stank Stank is © his player "AAHHHGGHGGG!!!...MY EYES!! DAMN YOU LITTLE....F...uuurggh.." The wolf whined as he took a step backwards, stumbling to the ground with a thud. The poor lupine had...

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Buck By: Jizzal For: Sparkx aka Veem0n Chris is ©Sparkx aka Veem0n It was going to be another one of those mornings, again, or at least that was the first thing on Chris' mind while he got out of bed. Hell, the sun wasn't even up yet, but...

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True Treasure

True Treasure By: Jizzal For: Liam "You sure this is the place Ryan?" "Sure I'm sure, keep your fur on Todd, heh, don't tell me that you're scared." Ryan smirked. "M-Me? No way! Surprised it even exists is all..." Todd said...

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First Valentine

First Valentine By: Jizzal For: Nyn :3 \*joking, but not really\*) \*Just a note there is slight liquid transformation and absorbtion/love, though there's no tab for that. I still couldn't believe just how well things were...

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Drunk As a Skunk

(( If you don't like scat, then don't read after the \*'s :3 )) Drunk As a Skunk By: Jizzal For: MauserFox "C'mon Todd, you're not going to have a good time if you keep on sulking at the bar all night," A somewhat annoyed, and...

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Private Jacuzzi

"Yeah, it's the guy I told you, no I work with him! Jeeze, just don't wait up for me alright? I mean I-" "Sorry, but the pup is going to be busy tonight. I'll be sure to be gentle," and with that the call was ended without the consent of...

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Just a Physical

Just a Physical By: Jizzal For: Tristan _\*Just a quick little note, this story contains Anal Vore, but there is no tag for that\*_ Sean is (c) Tristan Hawthorne "It'll be just a little check up, don't worry about it. All it's...

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