Slice of Lex: (Side) Slice of Depression

Slice of Lex: (Side) Slice of Depression By: Jenny Harlow Lexi woke up, not for any particular reason other than her body just kicked itself awake. She lay awake, on her back staring up at the dark ceiling above. Today had been so surreal, her...

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Going Home

Her sister's new car rolled smoothly down George Street. Jen patted the dash fondly; it was a '52 Ford Victoria, and her sister had made special arrangements to loan her the car for a few days while she was in town. It might have been last year's...

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Dear Amber

Dear Amber, If you are reading this then I have probably passed away. I only hope you read this in its entirety rather than ignore it like all my other letters. I understand you hate me for what I've done throughout your life but please allow me to...

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Bull an' Fox -01 We meet Kevin, a Bull By GeneseePaws

To those that look and / or those that are patient with me; here! Here is my offering. It is purposefully written in dialect, I will post it in three or four sections, because oh! it needs the editing done, oh- yes, ...the editing ... (it...

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Bull an' Fox -02 We meet Tim, a Fox

Bull an' Fox -02 We meet Tim, a Fox By GeneseePaws first posted on May-6-2010 edited for continuity 3-8-2012 To those that look and / or those that are...

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The Photographers Apprentice - Chapter six: The Final Countdown.

.** **~~~** "-will be giving a live update on her debut album after this, it's bittersweet symphony by the ve-" quickly smashing a paw down on my radio alarm clock, i squeezed my eyes open.

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Chapter Nineteen

By order of the terran federation, you are to follow mister bittersweet's direction!" "what? president aden!? i have no idea who this person is!"

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The Tragedy of J'ha'lia - Part 5

The ending of this tragedy (after parts 2+) is perhaps a redemption, but a bittersweet one.

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The Tragedy of J'ha'lia - Part 3

The ending of this tragedy (after parts 2+) is perhaps a redemption, but a bittersweet one.

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perfume - poem

Collection poem no. 7 oh what have we become you and me were together once so happy and young have you ever lost something so precious that could never be replaced but only to be found years later, when its value has gone to waste now all we have left is bittersweet

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The Tragedy of J'ha'lia - Part 4

The ending of this tragedy (after parts 2+) is perhaps a redemption, but a bittersweet one.

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The Tragedy of J'ha'lia - Part 1

The ending of this tragedy (after parts 2+) is perhaps a redemption, but a bittersweet one.

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