Mystery of the Magician’s Assistant

After holding the bottle aloft for all to see, with his own flourish, the great panko drained the whole bottle in a single draught.

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Eyes like the Forest (4)

The large man confessed between long draughts of his mead, gulped down so quickly the traveler wondered if he even tasted it. "she _was_family." those dark eyes met no-longer-gray's, searching for comfort even in this stranger.

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The Tale of Ma'lach, Part I

Ma'lach matched hryth'l's grin, although of course he still had all his teeth, and watched the roan draught horse slowly plod along with the wagon in tow. "didn't want to sleep anymore. i've been awake for an hour."

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Diverging Roads

It finished a bit more slowly, ending with the coyote taking a rather deep draught. garet didn't meet his eyes and only spoke once he'd set the mug back down. "that's..." he let out a puff of air. "that's great."

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Kiss of Destiny: Chapter 1

A sharp snap accompanied his opening the can and he took a long draught of the sweet, fizzy liquid. bolt finally picked up the fact that he was here, and stood up, trotting over to him with his tail wagging.

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A Bronze Rising: Returning Home

I threw back my head and drew in a great draught of the air into my lungs. on a whim, i expelled it in a massive roar that echoed far up and down the valley.

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Icebound - Chapter 7

Someone wrapped my arm, possibly gave me a sleeping draught. there was a message carved on the tree where my stuff was. i tried to walk, but it was slow going. that was the day it rained. the next day after that, i woke up in a tree.

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Knight of God (Pt. 1) TEASER

Leonis pulled the cork from the neck of the flask with his teeth, leaving it dangling on a length of cord, and took a long draught.

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Don and Jake - Chapter 2

He took a long draught and said, "so don, what do you do?" "i own a small company that creates and sells apps." "very impressive." the bear shrugged his broad shoulders, "it pays the bills. how about you, what do you do?"

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"he is being affected by my scent, he started to show signs but i ignored it thinking it was the pain or the draught. but... he may be..." the smaller kobold placed his head on his lover's shoulder and cried.

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Kilar: Part 2

Piko slapped his hand away and began to rub the body wash into his fur, shivering at the sudden draught that swept through the room.

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Without words

Byreth set the cup down, and then took a draught of his own, the dark elf waiting until the alsatian had taken a long draught of her own drink before taking a sip of his own. the wolf held out the bottle for him wordlessly. "i have no need of it.

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