Presidential Affairs

The first mistake was getting elected president. the second mistake was getting elected president again. i'm not even talking about the fact that it's a stressful job that's turned my fur color from red throughout to red mixed in with lots of gray.

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Nation - The Solar Republic

As the head of state and government, the president of the republic is elected to four-year terms in a general election, and the constitution doesn't currently have a limit on terms.

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Para-Imperium Setting Data

Representatives of the commons are elected by each block of 1 million people sectioned out by area every 50 years, 10 candidates are nominated randomly by lottery and 1 is elected by their constituents.

Apocalypse, Ch. 17

The would be losing their place of privilege no matter who won the elections. i marked election day on our calendar - it would be two weeks after i had given birth.

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Zion: Light of the New Moon, Ch 3.0

Complexity: 3 success: + willpower, ++ favor failure: - willpower, - luck story seeds: + dawn, + sun, + mist modifier: contributing readers may elect to increase the complexity of this encounter by 1.

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Serval and Sheep Prologue: SIDE SHEEP

You mean to tell me you're not even a little nervous about the election?" peter asks. "of course not." but, that's a lie. i actually haven't slept this whole week because i'm so worried about this election.

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Venturing: Deceptional Flour

But thoughts blocked more of my surroundings in favor of the needles, numbers, walls and the rigged election. for only one question stands in my mind. unanswered however as we walked along the path towards its end.

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The Fox General: What I Deserve

Luce ignored him, "do we have anyone who seconds the motion to elect another dictator?" "i second it!" bergland drunkenly raised his paw. "it will be put to vote. all in favor?"

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Nation - The Greater Haromian Empire

These senators are typically appointed by the planetary governor they are meant to represent, though some worlds elect them through councils on the planet. none are elected by the people.

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The Mayor of Congruence and The Baroness of the Opera House

She was at trifecta park that night, along with thousands of others, waiting to hear the results of the election they had no say in. it had been a sham election, of a sort, but it still had been their sham election.

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Consortium 1-1: TD14 Chapter 7

"you know as well as i do that they undergo elections from time to time and swap out delegates as the need arises. they'll be back by the end of the month.

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Identity: Chapter Nine

"i don't see how this guy keeps getting elected" scarlett shook her head incredulously. "it's scary to think a significant portion of the electorate believes this shit." "he almost lost the last election, though" diego explained.

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