Preparing the Female Bandicoot-Chapter 1: Here we See the Female Bandicoot.

"good work tiny.", the other figure said in an emotionless, mechanical voice, "bring it back to the castle, the doctor will be greatly pleased".

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Project 13: Chapter 2

I was waiting forever for your lazy ass to wake up but now that you are up you are going to give me the answers that i seek" the wolf just looked straight into the director's eyes with a cold emotionless stare.

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A redemption of the soul

His face became emotionless and he got to his feet, he started to walk in the direction of warfang, his voice box closed down and no more noise came from his mouth.

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Travelling: Chapter1

emotionless void._ the kitchen table didn't have any beer cans and vodka bottles on it, and actually looked decent. there were three places set though. "aaron! we have a guest coming over for dinner. would you wait at the door for her please?"

A Fishy Night. (XXII)

~"emotionless cruel beast? bah, and my father was a wealthy fat plump pig... she just showed appreciation!"~ jackek thought sarcastically while rolling his eyes, standing up, korvi was fast asleep and at ease for once. "hey jackek very nice work!


My Life as a Dragon Slave: Book 2 Chapter 7

Were rash, unpredictable, emotionless, and much like machines. we few that believe you to be our saviors, we are so sorry. we are sorry what has fallen upon you.

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Stung 2: The Return

Diago did likewise, his face emotionless as he turned to aj, in order to see what he did. aj took a long time to decide. he checked his cards repeatedly, looking at the pile of three hundred chips in the middle of the table.

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Furries University Chapter 26: Wondering the Abyss

He tried to smile himself but a feeling inside him froze his face emotionless as he looked upon them.

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A dango in the fruits basket

Then arsia, saki, and tohru all started to hug hinata and were all crying except for hinata who stood there emotionlessly, then her uncle came to take her home (his house) after awhile of living with her uncle her dad's father was going to live with them so

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In The Beginning

Cold emotionless eyes look directly into those of the lost. defeat and despair fill those eyes as the end approaches. to join those he slew in the pits of hell. no mercy, no hope, only suffering and pain.

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The things I will never tell you

Forcing myself to remain emotionless placing this barrier up so you can't hurt me. repeating my method from are last advent, the pain was my curse for failing to see these things. i hide from the truth acting like one of those sentient beings.

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CBC - The Parvus POW

A shiver ran through him as she gave him the coldest, emotionless smile he had ever gotten. it was almost a relief when the door shut behind her with another thud, and a loud **clack** as it locked secure.

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