Adventures part 1

Winter equals more water, and ice maityrs. summer equals more fire, dirt, tree, and light maityrs. fall equals more darkness, dust, and crystal maityrs. spring equals more flower, sun, and moon maityrs.

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Convergent Bloodlines (World Building)

Male and female dragons are often of the same size, and socially appear to be equals. both genders are of an equal size and temperament, though males tend to be slightly more aggressive, especially during breeding times.

A Beautiful Dangerous Fox

Many years before he was born, an agency of the government known as the national center for species equality had twisted the arm of the government to impose their version of equality on the world, seeing as how some species were in their words "over-represented

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Pet Rebellion

We could be equals." "predators and prey have never been equals," ellie returned. "you ate us forever, and then we invented the shrink ray and took control. what makes you think we'd be equal if we let you be big again?"

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Tale of a Dragonborn - Chapter 1: Altraz

One hundred bronze equals one silver and one hundred silver equals one gold. so fifty gold was five thousand silver. raptor began thinking, math always got him excited.

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Tales of Alterra, chapter 0, setting the stage

Asskicking equals authority (you can kick everyone's ass so you're in charge) overlayed with authority equals asskicking (you're in charge so you can kick everyone's ass) tropes. meaning the one in charge is incharge either because he/she/shi has either

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Jhon the human Pt.5 Earth List ( Bonus Chapter)

One side believes that furs are equals and because we created them we owe them a seat in our society. the other side believes that furs , no matter how intelligent, are animals and should be left in the wild or put down .

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Emoji Arithmetic

The tablet now showed the tiger that squiggle equals squiggle, slash equals slash, and colon equals colon.


Kazufox Interview #8

(it equals 0) where did that come from? wait, if she's dead but you're not then how can you spend time with her?

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Wolves (anthro) of Tenebris!

They were all equals, and if a human tried to best a wolf he or she would be banished into the woods. no one knows when they started living together or for how long it had lasted. no one knew why so many races were in one place.

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The Rules Of 'Rola'

Gambling is done in rola in the form of a "pot" which is formed by both players adding an equal amount of money to the pot. a player can only add money to the pot if their opponent has an equal amount of money.

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