Scientific Progress )Request for Spriggan)

This happened to be a fossil that made its way to his hands. no one knew of these relics of the past yet, because their discovery in china had been kept under wraps due to the astounding nature of the fossils.

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575 Infang Journal

A preliminary pit dug in the crumbling sediments uplifted by the formation of the island reveals a number of interesting things, including ancient fossils uplifted from the shallow seabed.

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A Tale of Grass & Fire Chapter 5: The Labrynth

Jake set the bagged fossil into grovyle's pack, returning pichu and picked cyndaquil up into his jacket.

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Samuel's Pick-Pocketing Surprise - 3 New Homes and Old

Samuel said quietly hoping the professor wasn't mad about him looking at the fossils. "good, good" the shepherd said looking over the small fossils neatly laid out on the floor next to the broken crate.

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The Raptor Is Back

Asked jim as he has zeik to come in to see the fossil the other young man has, as jim shows haru's mate to the fossil of a baby parasaurolohpus but a bit bigger then the raptor is in the truck waiting for zeik to return with the fossil or not.

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The Gamer's Crossing 3 - Every Saturday

She said she had perhaps five more bones to find and two more miscellaneous fossils like the ammonite.

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The Gamer's Crossing 13 - Crossing Over

Then the time you fell when out with daisy for fossils...and then you found the one i planted. i had saved that fossil especially for her."

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It all Burns

He muttered as he approached the fossil, the raichu rubbed his snout absentmindedly as he looked over the male that he once guarded. "what happened to his fur? everything is gone." "i burned it off before i fossilized him."

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The Gamer's Crossing 10 - The Worst Gift Ever

Normally she was happy, even still digging for fossils with her or trying to at least. over the course of two months they found perhaps 20 fossils in all, which kept her happy.

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The Gamer's Crossing 7 - Of Stars And Skirts

I bet she's so sweet and innocent digging away in the dirt for fossils?" "damn right." "well..."

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Pokemon: Turning Over A New Leaf! - Chapter 7

He said they were fossils, right? "you didn't find them, i found them. you just found my hiding spot." i said, walking towards him. he shook his head, clenching a fist. "n-no way!

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