Tiles & Technicalities

Deep inside wes, the mephit began to unload as well, pumping his thick issue into the predator as the belly between them glorped and glrrned. a sure sign nothing solid was left inside.

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Minerva and Tik TIk 3

A discordant laugh fills the cave, an unsettling warbling of slurps and glorps from her tentacled maw springing forth. a musical chortle of mirth projects itself, filling tik tik's mind with that melodious laughter. the captor leans down.

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Thinking with your Lower Head

A wet, quite audible glorp like a paint bucket getting upended sounded from the bear-lizard's sac. he could feel tariel's life force still surging about, but the hybrid was no longer solid in the least... this knowledge sent him over the edge.

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Glory's Bad Beach Day

_'glorp!'_ the odd sound rumbled from her belly as her whole midsection shuddered. at that, the griffin paused, looking down at her tummy as she felt it suddenly quiver, then almost shift forward, as if kicked from within. "eep, what was...

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Out of the Frying pan, and into the Quicksand

It glorped and blurped as it sucked his furry body down, 'devouring' his hips in no time. "you know, i never understood why they called it quicksand," he said to the reader.

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A Dragon's Path - Chapter Five

Her belly glorped and gurgled happily as the stone warmed it, and helped it digest her meal. it felt great. eventually, however, she heard the sound of wings flapping in the distance, and opened her eyes.

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Simba and nala discover quicksand

The surface sloshed thickly and bubbled, glorped, blubbed... the mud sloshing quite heavily. the bubbles came thicker, more frequent, the two lions struggling to hold back their moans as they neared climax.

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Clone Vores

Zev's eyes rolled into the back of his head as his balls gurgled and glorped, the walls of his sac jostling about as the contents within shifted. "i'm all for overeating, but you gotta take it slow to begin. you'll miss all the fun parts."

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Mess with the Beal

Pressed in place by his room-mate's massive form, trevor struggled, able to hear each of beal's laboured swallows, and pleased rumbles, amidst the thick glorps and burbles of his rounded gut.

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In The Shower

Both hands slammed back to the sides of the shower stall, supporting her as they spread outwards, rounding and puffing up with gentle little glorps of weight every passing moment.

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Shorty's War 7

The slime girl returns with the pair of spying soles and deposits them in tik tik's hand with a glorping squish. "because robin say these leprechaun made." he freezes, his gaze going from those shoes to his host.

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Coffeeshop Change

She shivered as her stomach sounded with glorps and glugs, her shirt pulled up and showing the white furred expanse of her stomach. "uh, yeah." "yeah?" cory said. "yeah? not only am i a husky bitch, i'm going to be a...going to be a..."

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