Lost Soldier: 2, Fight or Flight

Their fear of the grenades and just charged blindly in a fit of rage from seeing one of their group fall to the ground on fire.

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Behind Enemy Lines: Chapter One

He pulled the pin on the small, cylindrical, non-lethal grenade, flipped the spoon and threw it into the room.

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CDX : Valentines Curse

Izzy cursed & pulled out a grenade then ran at the beast. "fuck you, i'm not letting you kill my friends!!!" izzy then jumped at the beast with a grenade in one hand & hunting knife in the other.

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Vulpes Lupis - Escape From Paris

Kane turned and took aim with the grenade launcher on his f-2000. carefully he adjusted the arc before unleashing a 40mm grenade. fwump! ....kaboom!!!

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Genetic Children-Log 09- Click, Click, Click!

It was always better to have more guns than the enemy in the off chance that you needed them; the man also had two m-84 flash grenades._ _â _ _after removing the grenades and proceeding, the signal was given to move to the building.

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Tournament of Transformation - Round 1, Final Part

Nestor, so focused on his revenge, didn't even see the grenade until it smacked him right in the chest.

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The Pokemon War: Part 3-4

Gary said picking up a handful of grenades. "alright, you ugly, sons of bitches," gary wincing at the pain in his arm, "it's payback time!" and with that, he let loose with grenade after grenade. bombarding the aliens over and over again.

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The First Onslaught WIP

"alright, we'll go with a grenade then," he informs. firefly retrieves a fragmentation grenade from it's designated pouch readying her hand to pull the pin. "remember grenade training," she murmurs to herself.

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Child Soldier

Jacob's weapons included a silenced .45 pistols, a few mini emp grenades, and an m203 launcher without a rifle; a rifle would be too heavy and not do much good, but an armor-piercing grenade launcher was useful against the medium-sized machines.

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Isolation-Excerpt 18-Stench

I have 12 rounds of .950 tyrannosaurs and two grenades left!" "try and get close enough with the grenades to toss them in yourself", magellan said, "it sounds crazy but it should work!"

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Torpedo Run Chapter 6

"grenade out!" somewhere in the no-man's-land between marines and mutineers the grenade popped, spraying out dozens of little metal balls that imbedded into the pavement.

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Zero Hour: the Meth Lab

I packed a semi-automatic 50-caliber rifle, 4 flashbang grenades, 12 miniature grenades and 3 stem cell syringes. at roughly 2200 hours, i was deployed.

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