Fire and Ice - Chapter Two - A Thorn Amongst The Roses

Are you so blind by loyalty and honour that you cannot see beyond the mere shell that i am? i once believed - yes, i once believed in good, justice and honour.

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A Breaking of Brothers

_'honour your parents, (bang) book of virtues, 1:1' (bang\_ 'honour your parents'...(bang)tell me. rolf severna(bang)...are you honouring your father by doing this?!_ _...(bang).._ _...i..

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The Outlander 3 34

Surrender and the honoured claw in his infinite patience and mercy will allow you to live?" "curse the honoured claw and damn his name," gash spat. "i also have some more good news.

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The Great Adventure

\*\*\*\*\* "may i, most honourable gathered lords, be able to place my humble knowledge into your most intellectual midst?"

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The Edge of Sapphire - Chapter 3 - Meditations on Solitude

"yes, your honour?" " you know shiverblade combat?" said wei, his voice barely above a whisper. yaroi paused "the shiverblade is a noble weapon, your honour."

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My Sword, My Clan 26 - My Investigation

"that's 'your honour', not _sir._" "s-s-sorry, sir, your honour."

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The Edge of Sapphire - Chapter 6 - The Bleeding Edge

"the damage was an emergency measure in the face of what seems to have been sabotage, your honour.

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Cat Island, Chapter 1

His majesty had us honourably discharged from the army, remember? we're all equals here on this ship." "what does that have to do with anything?" she gave him one of her looks.

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"dear sir, i will do my best to protect and defend your daughters honour and dignity." she said, bowing then escorting her date to the waiting camero outside, opening the door for hir.

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Azerite Lore Dump 1

That lacks the concepts of morality and honour - as those with no understanding or any care for the damage they cause is a stain upon the universe, and should not continue their existence unimpeded.



Penelope waited twenty years for odysseus to return to her, faithfully without hesitation, and in the end was rewarded and honoured for her fidelity.

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Dro'amoreth the Wise

Dro'amoreth won this honour by aiding the companions immensely and clearing the members of the circle of their lycanthropy. in combat, as stated, dro'amoreth is a gifted pugilist.
