Race Day, Part One

"huhn! huh!" the doe gasped, pointing her muzzle to the ceiling. "ohh," she gurgled, receiving stimulation, seemingly, from every bit of her pussy. the rabbit's penis was 7 and 1/4 inches long. (as dusky had erotically whispered to her last night.

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Silly and Seriousness

"huhn," was her response. she swallowed, breathing in through the nose. field flicked it again. very, very gently. he was never rough with her. and he could feel it. he shivered, a heated spark racing down his spine.

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bobbie and James -02 I'm right keen on you

huhn, what, !??" a true double take: there, the spotted dog. it was already may, not even four full weeks before the end of school. it couldn't be a transfer-in, not this late in the year. and a dog that good looking, how had he not noticed?


Losing It

"huhn," the doe huffed. the rabbit did have stamina. he drilled his doe. her breath caught. her body tensed, and then ... went lax. went ... squeal! she squealed.

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Final Christmas -EDITED

\* ''selbstverständlich es ist nicht andere pelze entweder, es ist nur huhn, ein ganze menge huhn vielleicht ungesunden beträgen'' \*of course, it's not other furs either, it's just chicken, lot's of it, maybe unhealthy amounts\* ''ungewöhnlich

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Sunny Gummys Sauereien - dritter Teil

Sie hatte ihr sogar ein hartgekochtes ei in den spalt geschoben, und lächelnd dabei zugesehen wie sie es strohgefülltes körbchen legen musste, ganz wie ein huhn. nun steckte der dildeho wieder in ihr, zum dritten male voll aufgezogen.

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14 - The Huntress

Elayne glanced over to trent, who answered with a soft, "huhn." 'seph, on the other hand, knelt behind sarill, placing her hands on the bat-morph's shoulders.

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Pim Chapter Thirteen and Fourteen

"'each' of them said that huhn!" pim said walking out into the hallway. pony, said "yeah 'each' came for you, 'each' of them!" a smile in his voice.

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Das geheime Wasserloch

Titilayo lachte, nickte mit dem kopf dankbar in meine richtung und grinste über beide ohren, mein voll geil verrücktes huhn das.

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Five Dragons: DLvP: Kapitel 9: Schatten am Horizont

„ist nicht so als würdest du federn von einem huhn zupfen." keuchte er weiter. die augen geschlossen atmete der magier tief ein. beruhigt öffnete er seinen blick und war wieder vollkommen gelassen.

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A shameful secret 4

"huhn! ohoh fuck, so much for bein' all collected an' sauve." dunlup laughed, as he staggered just a little from the sudden rush of pleasure his hip's bucking slightly.

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