Golden Orders

"at least that's what the breeding council told me today" the technology for interspecies pairs to have pups is at least 30 years off , we always knew it could be a problem for our pups generation, but why did they come to you?"


Outcast of Redwall: Behind the Bushes, part 3

"and also a young interspecies couple. a mole and a hedgehog. do you think your husband bunfold can marry these couples?" "he doesn't have to," said bryony. "i can. i've just been appointed to abbess after meriam retired.

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Zootopia Body Swap: Finnick and Bogo Pt.1

"this is kind of awkward, but it's time we had a conversation about inter-species relationships on the force." the instinctual nervous flick of nick's long ears betrays his discomfort.

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There She Is!! - Cake Dance

How could you even stomach the thought of interspecies? it's messed up!" nabi was taken aback. "i beg your pardon?!" "you heard what he said."

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The World of Actura (Worldbuilding)

The ever-increasing rate of inter-species couples means that the birth rate is actually beginning to drop, leaving actura's total population at a very manageable 953 million.

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Feral Together: Silence

She was still getting used to their interspecies relationship. at times, she would notice the strange looks she got while with nick and even endured her acute hearing picking up the words exchanged about their relationship.

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Hermaphrodite Summer Camp

Deborah will spend her time at suffer camp becoming involved in super exotic inter species sex scenes in order to find what's just right for her. starting a new series.

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Chapter 2: Revelations

My designation is interspecies experiment, prototype 31, series 1, serial number.." "hold on, hold on," said tod waving his hands at her. "how did you know about the wiring problem?

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The Otters at Wolves End

Already, a few politicians, and even an actor, had their careers damaged or destroyed due to allegations of interspecies sexual activity. most people equated interspecies sexual activity, even with a sentient species like the chakharans, with bestiality.

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First Impressions

inter-species relationships can be very complicated...or not! "look. they're going to love you. you'll be fine, sue." the wolf reassured his girlfriend. "i know, alex! i'm just _so_nervous about meeting your parents!" sue replied.

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What I would have done on Totodile Day

Yeah, so, nugget is there, watching wrestling as usual, being nagged by his stoolpigeon wife (yes, there is interspecies romance here).

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They both had an interest in mechanical puzzles and inter-species relations, which solidified their friendship.

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