A Filling Present

He did that a few times, finding her warmth and contractions less demanding if he maintained the pace of a short-lived mating.

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The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 3

He had maintained his routine of rising early, but it had become harder now that he had new studies.

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Encased and Changed

My hormone levels are fine-tuned to maintain a state of constant arousal.

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Everything you want to know about Cheshires - A Glossary of Insight

The silencers main priorities are maintaining the secrecy of the cheshire race.

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Fate's a Bitch (Doberman TF/TG)

His thumbs, in particular, were much further up than he'd remembered, and he was barely able to keep the tip of the retreating digit on the phone and maintain his precarious hold.

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Part 13: To Who is it Right?

The succubus licked her lips; she glanced at amanda and maintained a predatory, lusty gaze. she had to shout over the factory floor. "come on." amanda nudged her companions behind her. "let's have a meeting with our succubus." "amanda!"

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Interlude IV: A Growing Divide

Richard and his prideful purple aura were perfectly suited to maintaining the good reputation of the council and the guardians-at least to those of the general population who knew of their existence.

Zion: Light of the New Moon Part 2, Ch 3.1 Bannihar

Jules maintained watch, seemingly as intent as ever with moving the group toward its ultimate destination. despite lord raes' concern for the mental well-being of kayte, he maintained a careful vigil.

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Simon's Shower

One time he tried to sit in the shower and pee directly into his mouth, but he found it difficult to maintain the stream and an erection simultaneously.

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The Royal Secret part 13: Patently Awkward

His wrinkled mouth quivered as he maintained his regal expression in the face of the utterly comical display. but it stopped when he saw the beseeching look rachel was throwing him as she started to try to help phillip stand.

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The Gift: Introducing the Spirits, part 3 of 3

It is from this land that sabhàna the wolf spirit hails, and she maintains a strong connection to it to this day.

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Species Sheet: Luffies

Fur is what help maintains their body temperatures to a manageable level as well as being part of their natural defense, beneath that bounty of fluffiness, their thick skin contains a semisolid gelatinous mush that contains their organs as well as their hyper

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