A Filling Present

Story by Nulkurrak on SoFurry

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#13 of Quickies

This is a short story Christmas gift I've done for Tastywyrm

Description: Arvoran undertakes the most ridiculous quest in celebrating his mateship to his lovely Khrynia. Little does he know that what starts as a silly joke ensnares him into a sly ploy from a dragoness fed up with half measures.

Arvoran (c) is my character

Khrynia (c) belongs to Tastywyrm https://www.furaffinity.net/user/tastywyrm/

***A Filling Present***

"Aaand, that should do it," Khareem stepped back to inspect his work from multiple angles, even dropping onto his fours to check how the knot at the bottom of the bow held. "How does it feel? Does it bother you? Should we try the satin one? Silk is quite sensitive to abrupt movements..."

He added that last part just as Arvoran's erection jolted to attention, slapping the sandy colored scales of his belly. A subdued whine crept through his gritted teeth, his breaths short and shallow to maintain the hardness of his shaft. If it softened, so did the ornament, rendering his effort futile.

Khrynia on her side, her vent drenched in arousal, beckoning him to approach with a hind paw. She slipped her tongue between the pads of a forepaw, a devious look in her glinting eyes as she suggestively trailed that pink serpent across her pads, wishing to taste him first before allowing him inside.

In an instant, Arvoran's nubs and ridges regained their fulness, arousal pumping through his shaft, enkindled by the erotic image conjured in his mind. A few months without finishing into her certainly helped, keeping him properly hard for the silly ceremony at hand.

"Oh, Arvoran," Khareem, his and Khrynia's best and gentlest of hosts, patted his neck in sympathy. "MidWinter Night isn't celebrated with bows tied around your..." he couldn't even say it as his olive-colored eyes dashed to the side. "That is not the way of tradition."

"It's...mrrrhh...an acceptable compromise. Let us dragons celebrate our way while you...prepare your present for your mate." The drake lumbered forward a few steps, legs spread at a comically large distance to keep his haunches from disturbing the sumptuous décor of the grand bow. "I better...before it..."

"A present that you should have learned from," Khareem bowed reverently as he made the gesture of Wintersoul with his hands, a custom as ridiculous as the embellishment Arvoran accepted to wear on the most awkward part of his body. A good thing this town had built dwellings fit for dragons. Khareem's home, a tall, two-room building designed for a dragon to move unencumbered by short doors or squat roofs, was melded into the barn retrofitted to house him and Khrynia. Had Galewing been here earlier while Khareem helped Arvoran enact his idea of a Wintersoul gift, the drake's erection would have frozen on the spot, turned to ice by her piercing, austere gaze.

No. Don't think that. Even a single, errant thought was enough to make him waver. If the girth of his ridges lessened, the loop tied around his base slipped down the shallower ridges until it met the smooth half of his shaft. Though the pointy nubs crowning the back of his spade could hook it in a desperate resort to keep it from falling, this ploy only worked if the bow remained in place, violet and lovely as the loving eyes of his mate.

"Done? Tell me it's done, otherwise I'm turning around at this very moment," Khrynia stomped her tail against the clumps of hay spread around the barn, ever impatient. "Next time, I'll have you with the head to the wall and the rear facing the inner door."

Whatever frustrations she harbored paled in comparison to her hopes. Her desires so clearly manifested in her flagging tail! While Arvoran had his cock lubricated and touched every few minites to maintain its hardness for his asinine plan to work, Khrynia was stuck here, daydreaming about the one thing she missed the most.

"Describe it to me first," she waggled her rump enticingly, stretching her legs to push her vent upward, then spreading them in playful invitation. "Is it thin? Surprisingly so? Enough to feel every nub and ridge through it? And does it have a color? Or can I see that arousing crimson hue as if your cock is bare?"

Her eagerness stunned Arvoran, freezing him on the spot. Nowhere had he mentioned the lewdness of what he had in mind. Was his desperation this obvious?

"I'll see for myself," Khrynia couldn't stand a few more seconds of wait, her flabbergasted expression replacing the tempting vision of earlier. "Wh--what is that?"

Whine. A whine. A soft, pathetic whine was all that Arvoran's throat conjured. "It's...the gift I wish to present to you..."

"Rrh..." the dragoness surged forward, making use of Arvoran's stiffness to slip her head under his belly and bite the ornament off his shaft. "There. This is the look I wish to see."

To further compliment the natural air of his member, the dragoness curled her tongue around his spade in a short-lived embrace, stiffening Arvoran's crest frills into erect position. And she didn't stop at just one lick! She kept doing it, curling and weaving his tongue around his helplessly throbbing tip, forcing the drake's eyes scrunched in an effort to keep his seed from gushing forth.

If their one too many interruptions prior to his climax taught the pair one thing, it had to be a keen estimation of Arvoran's limits, along with all the telltale signs of it.

"Got you worried there for a second, rrr?" Her furred neck brushed against his scaled one, fuzzy lips nipping at his cheek spines, followed by a salacious lick across one of his ears.

"Inside me," she whispered, the heat of her breaths as suave as the nuzzles of her soft nostrils. "Not in my mouth. Not on my tail. Not on the ground, not on the hay. Inside me."

The repetition of that great an indulgence got all of Arvoran's scales prickling. His member, of course, responded with a resolute swing, hitting against his belly hard enough to draw a muffled whimper.

"We...can't..." he reached for her snout, only for it to retreat under the judgment of her sharp glare.

"We won't, you mean. Or shouldn't? That is a more modest way to describe our mutual fatigue of hatchlings."

It wasn't just fatigue. No matter how hard Khrynia tried to hide it, the truth permeated her tightly tucked wing feathers, sagged crest and anxiously twitching tail tip. Whatever spark lighted her violet gaze now smoldered, suppressed by the weight of guilt. They could have kept their family together longer, at least a month or two more to make up for their deficit in foresight. Whoever knew their clutch would pounce on their ambitions sooner than their parents ever anticipated?

At least they all traveled to the same kingdom. Together. Just like their parents wanted.

Just when Arvoran's erection began to falter, the spicy scent of Khrynia's arousal filling his nostrils reignited its throbs.

"Clean me. I'll work the seed out of you with my hind paws while we lie in mutual embrace. If I can't have your seed, I'll make due with your tongue."

She was making due with his tongue now. Not that Arvoran could complain, especially when Khrynia smelled particularly...needy. The sharp smell of her arousal increased in intensity the closer his nostrils inched to the source, a fleshy rift surrounded by soggy fur. It looked so disorderly, a mirror of her disheveled emotions. Arvoran's tongue attempted to smooth her fur out, but even a lick of her clear, aromatic juices were sufficient to seize his instinct and push it to the forefront of his mind.

Deep, swaying rumbling of various intensities filled the barn as Arvoran's tongue filled his mate, plunging into her to collect the thicker, stronger-tasting honey. Khrynia encouraged him with both honeyed words and sharp yips, bucking her hindquarters into his snout as often as he rammed his voracious nostrils against her soppy flesh, maddened by her warmth and taste. It did not take long in Khrynia's already vulnerable state for her legs to buckle; for her wings to flare out to the sides and her head to shoot for the sky, releasing a keening yowl.

Spurts of aqueous female ejaculate splattered against Arvoran's face, drenching him in her scent while his tongue slurped the slower-flowing rivulets of thicker, staler product of her climax. For him, that was her real honey; not the thinner blasts from earlier.

"E--enough," Khrynia pushed the side of her tail against his neck, seeking to put a stop to the feast.

Arvoran wouldn't have it. His forepaws latched onto her weakened haunches, bringing her down and rolling her onto her back, all so that he could expose her vent to the tight, aching spade of his cock. She had her turn. Now, it was his.

His mate did not even attempt to kick him off, parting her legs out of her own accord to receive his tightness slit-deep into her, goading him on with a melodious warble to claim her while soaking wet with desire.

"Mrraaahhhh!" Arvoran's vision flickered. Too fast. Too deep. Too...pleasurable...it took a few swift breaths to steady his reeling mind and keep his seed locked beneath his ridges, fighting his body's urge to do Khrynia's bidding.

"P...please," the aftermath of her orgasm still tainted Khrynia's subdued voice. "Let go of your seed. Finish...inside me..."

Arvoran wished that. Craved for it, more than anything. Feeling her hungry insides throb, clench and shudder around him appealed to a primordial part of him, the undulating caress stifling reason and burying worries deep within the back of his mind. Harder still was the grip of her joined forepaws pressing down on his crest spikes, seeking to trap him in place at the cost of the discomfort it caused to his sails.

"Awrh..." Arvoran slipped out a quiet moan. He wouldn't have heard it over the audible pounding of his ecstatic heart, had he not felt it vibrate within his throat. Withdrawal never felt so tedious, so pleasurable, so demanding. Khrynia's tail squeezed him surprisingly tight, while her haunches narrowed around his as much as they allowed. Even her wings added to her persistent embrace, shrouding Arvoran within the sanctified darkness of her affection.

Shhhlick! Came the persistent squelch of nubs and ridges sinking back into his mate's quivering vent. This time, Arvoran used the momentum built within his haunches to draw back, then re-enter her at an equally alert pace. He did that a few times, finding her warmth and contractions less demanding if he maintained the pace of a short-lived mating. The toll it took on his member's features burned deep within his throbbing shaft, hardening it to refuse with seed far too eager to explode into her.

Shwick, shwick, shwick, Arvoran desperately tried to give his mate another climax, feeling her contractions deepen, hearing her moans ascend towards her peak. His legs trembled from every joint. Muscles ached and shivered. Uncoordinated claws scraped at the straw-covered stone in pleading desperation for his focus not to waver. Arvoran's frills never burned hotter, nor had his tip seared so bright, almost painfully, with the effort to contain his orgasm.

"Please...please don't..." Khrynia pleaded between the enchanting twists of her sinuous neck, endearing gasps and growing huffs. Instead of keeping her eyes closed and ride the waves of euphoria washing through her body, the persistent female's fangs tried to find purchase on his throat, only for their feeble grasp to glance off his scales.

"Ghhhr, no!" Arvoran shrugged her off as he bottomed inside her, strained tears of bliss streaming along the edges of his shuttered eyelids.

"Grawwwwhhh!" Khrynia's resolve gave in, shattered by her second orgasm. Arvoran tried to pull himself out, feeling himself slipping, but contrary to what he expected from his moaning, squirming mate, Khrynia still had fight left in her.

Against all reason, the dragoness' forepaws engulfed his cheeks, holding him between her pads so that her petite tongue could wet the scales between his nostrils.

"Inside me," her eyelids stole the light of her eyes for a split moment, her orgasm winning out over whatever otherworldly strength possessed her. "Finish...inside..."

Her sweet, enthralling voice. The warmth oozing through her soft paw pads and transferring into the pebbly scales of his cheek. The persistent clenches of her vent, desperate for unreciprocated affection....

Arvoran seized upon all his strength to withdraw, but instead of his spade popping free of her sweltering cavern, it dove through layers of tight muscles torn between tension and relaxation. Khrynia's wind burst out of her in a shrilling cry, her claws driving into Arvoran's shoulder to punish him for this third, even more intense orgasm. He could feel her squirting juices spurt against his cock, lodged into her down to the last ridge, drenching it in utmost proof of passion.

Her bite around his throat didn't matter. Pain couldn't stop him. His resolve, considered steel-clad, failed to. With his taut nubs, swollen spade and engorged ridges attacked from all sides by her persistent squeezes, Arvoran's struggle shattered. His claws set firm upon the floor as his body quaked wildly, his senses torn apart by the need raging within him. Like a volcano's eruption, his seed burst into Khrynia so hard, and in such heavy quantities, that her head flopped down on the floor, her legs kicking feebly while caught in the fetters of her deepest, innermost desire.

Arvoran fared even worse. His vision darkened, robbed by a sea of twinkling dots carved from the night's sky. The pleasure in which he drowned was so deep, his gushes of seed so rich and thick as they traversed his aching member, that the dragon reeled from side to side while inside his mate. Was it not for her limbs to steady him, Arvoran would have faltered, but instead, he simply collapsed upon her, eyes rolled into the back of his skull, tongue lolling out of his maw.

While in Khrynia's embrace, his sole concern was grinding his nethers against hers, seizing upon every tingle, rub or clenching around his ridges to keep his seed flowing in the raging torrent it did so far. Not even his first mating stole his wits in such way, putting him at the mercy of his partner while he emptied his pent-up love into her, savoring every throb as is passed down from ridges to impossibly tight spade.

"Gh...Ghhhhrrrr...." Arvoran found his voice at the very end, once his body emptied itself of every drop of sexual frustration. So intense did his orgasm seize him, that Khrynia's milking motions only now registered to him, as pleasant, rhythmical and intense as he remembered them.

"What a gift this was," Khrynia's paws lifted his snout from the fluff of her neck to kiss him. "The very best I could ask for."

Lured into her affectionate ploy, Arvoran recollected himself enough to slip his tongue around her and join snouts, lifting himself on his fours while maintaining the kiss to pump a few more feeble thrusts into her. Now that it happened, he had no choice but to savor her until his cock shrunk and its sensitivity became unbearable.

After all, what were a few years of sleepless nights while pestered by squeaking gnats compared to the feel of his mate's filled insides?

***The End***

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