TwoKinds: His and Her Predicament Chapter 3

(may contain mature content later on. natani is referred to as he and clovis as she. twokinds belongs to tom fischbach!) "ah..ah! _gasp!_ not so tight you fool!"

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Sentinels: Obscurity, Part 1

It was well into the night, lights having dimmed in every building on the block, with the last one followed shortly by a male anthropomorphic citizen -a canine, to be precise, stepped out through the front doors of the skyscraper and making sure they...

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Jackob's Life Chapter 3: Starting Maturity

It also didn't help that he was now fully aware again of the bazillions of egg cells that were laying in his body, eagerly waiting to mature and to receive the genes from an other dude, a thought which made jackob shudder.

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Facing the Real World 2: Maturing. (Scrapped)

._ **chapter 2: maturing** during the night darius had any dreams, some involved being immensely liked while others involved being called a liar and being shunned. one dream stood out to darius, it was the only dream he could remember vividly.

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Life Cycle of a Jock - Mature Student - Practice

#3 of life cycle of a jock - mature student following eric's injection and initial transformation, he is now beginning to embrace the new mindset of being a jock, from eating to training and competing.

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Life Cycle of a Jock - Mature Student - Application

"as a mature student however, even if you take the serum, you'll still be beyond the age that varsity permits, so why would we need a mature student?"

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Life Cycle of a Jock - Mature Student - Injection

#2 of life cycle of a jock - mature student eric has passed the checks and is now ready to recieve his injection and enter the jock program, he also learns some of the darker aspects of joining the program and the fates of some of his past teammates.

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Life Cycle of a Jock - Mature Student - Training

#5 of life cycle of a jock - mature student as the new year passes there is no rest for the swim team who are now in fierce training for the spring varsity however the coach has a special plan for eric to have him compete in the national meets an show up

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Life Cycle of a Jock - Mature Student - Induction

#4 of life cycle of a jock - mature student after a gruelling practice, eric is taken out and introduced to his other teammates and begins to learn the benefits of comrodary amongst them while also learning a little on how they are adapting with their upcoming

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A princely apology (prologue)

"Absolutely NOT!" bellowed the elder, Olivian's father. "You offended their cheif, betrayed my good will and sullied our hospitality. You will not get ou-" "He provoked me on purpose! How can you be so blind to that?" interrupted the lion prince....

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All I Want Is A Drink

A nice night is all Roy really wanted right now. Having just come into the town, he was both tired and agitated. " How the hell can a town like this have no jobs available? All these unfinished buildings and no construction company in sight? The...

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Y Serena?

**Whale. Author here, and I just have to say, updates are much slower as I'm on Wattpad more other rather than here, I changed my user to SoulEata999 btw** **Anywhoo, enjoy the second chapter of Y Serena!** I woke up sandwiched between Ivy and...

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