Love Lost, Chapter 7a: Projections.

"one time we met with a guy who had a medicham--i lost bad and daddy had been working hard that week so the next day we were both sore and stiff. we saw the guy again at the market.

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PMD: A Twist Of Fate

medicham just feels so out of place with a team full of bad boys and with medicham looking so feminine, i think machoke fits the bill here) "keh... those guys were a good distraction..."

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Solo Venusaur Masterbuation

That's fine, you can situate yourself in a yoga room or meditate in a noise proof private room, medichams, alakazams, and gardevoirs mostly stay in these rooms though they do get the occasional gengars and dusknoirs go in, provided they don't cause trouble

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Preparing For Wallace

medicham still considered gallade to be his rival since they shared the same typing. medicham even tried to one up gallade by learning a new move that he believed would help his beloved trainer out and that was thunder punch.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Mossdeep City and Shoal Cave

medicham even though he was my newest pokemon, he wanted to show me just how capable he was and against rock types he could win easily.

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The S-Brothers Chapter 1

The medicham asked. doris let out a sigh. "yep. that was definitely stolas. also everyone had a crush on claude back in high school. who wouldn't fall for a cool and strong man like him?

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Chapter 1

The month had come, and gone, back to the usual spiel, hunting, gathering, sleeping...and a new found obsession with pushing herself further than she had in the past. It had taken work, support from Heji even, to get past that stupid memory again, and...

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Chapter 1

One of the first things that Kyn did was greet the rest of the group, followed immediately by calling Bill. "Hey there Bill... got a bit of a request for ya... involving some of your more.... underground services." Kyn's voice came through the...

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The adventures of Mark Steelheart: Wake-up Call

As he looked into the room, he noticed that there were two medichams meditating, and a mienshao with two mienfoo sleeping on her lap. walking quietly, so as to not disturb the various pokemon, he started looking for cairn.

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New to the Force Ch.4: Road Trip

I raised my eyebrow and looked sleepily at the medicham. "you've been reading clara's mind?" i asked. "i don't go anywhere private!"

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I'm Stuck in a House With a Harem Ch 1-10

A medicham yelled. standing next to him, who zac guessed was his assistant, was a dewott. "all you have to do is beat her in a jetski race!" the medicham exclaimed. "do we have another volunteer?" 'another?' zac thought.

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Chapter 9

This thought of course, would come to her when she was prying the stone up, and it came back down on her head, thank goodness for her headplates. She pried it back open and flicked her tail, stepping through the opening and held it open while the...

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