Moonstruck Mother Memoir

misty said as she pinned her son beneath her, her green eyes peering into his brown ones, "you have made me so very, very happy." "misty... uhh..." he shook his head, "no... even after last night, calling you 'misty' feels wrong. mom...

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Chaos Pokémon Chapter 2:Poke-what?

(the light went off meaning that nurse joy was coming out causing ash and misty to stand.) ash-well, how is he? misty-will he be alright? nurse joy-yes, he just needs some rest. misty-nurse joy, what kind of pokémon is he?

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the mare and i

misty looked at the bull, "well boss, where's the fire?

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This was the final straw, and he swum over to where the humans were congregated and motioned misty to move off the ice. "well..." misty said, stunned at the outrageous amount of money being asked for.

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The Seduction Of Red Riding Hood

"yeah right help you up so you can eat me" misty thought "oh please you would be doing me such a favor" their was something about this wolf girl that just made it so that misty couldn't say no.

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Mist and Shadow (chapter 2)

It had started with just me and misty. misty pinned me once and stole a kiss, making me blush. as soon as she smiled down at me and said "i win" the game was made. eventually it became no fun to just play with misty, we got too good at it.

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Soul guardians reuploaded (latiasfan1 is the owner not me!) ch3

As misty finished, togepi jumped out of bianca's arms, and wandered up to the stairs. misty stepped forwards, but togepi jumped, and managed to climb up the step. misty watched, and decided to help. she picked up togepi, and carried him upstairs.

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Settling In

When she first saw maya's face, misty thought she must be one of the divine. 

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Chaos Pokémon Chapter 3 Eggtastrophy!

misty, let's show him our combo move we've been working on. misty-you've got it! ash-pikachu, thunderbolt! misty-garidose, hydro-pump! ash/misty-combo move hydro-zap!

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Mist and Shadow (chapter 3)

misty knew this, and wished horribly to remember. as did i really. but i didn't fret about it. "me and misty are going back to our room. don't break anything you two." i said, standing and pulling misty up beside me.

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Pokemon: Turning Over A New Leaf! - Chapter 8

Staryu made a quiet noise, moving inside of misty even faster now. misty pushed the pokemon closer to her, moaning in bliss as staryu sped up.

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