
Arzhi followed her down to the pentagram, the multitude of snakes watching them as they passed. " the pentagram.." ciarán instructed.

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Zodiac, Chapter 2

** **vulva looked at ruth, and said, "have the petitioner approach the pentagram that i might have, hiss, a better look at her."** **madame marian turned to ruth, and said, "you will approach the pentagram fairly closely, but do not cross the border

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Welcome to the Herd

She had sworn an oath not to harm me in any way, physically or spiritually, while i was in the pentagram 'fulfilling' my part of the bargain. what a fool i was.

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Devil's Medium

It was the pentagram containing the injured human. there were four black ... things floating just outside of the pentagram. i wonder what those are?

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Queen of Warlocks

From outside the pentagram, it appeared as though a mummy were left alone in the center of a pentagram. it stood lifeless, motionless, hard and glossy, almost like a crude sculpture of a human chiseled from obsidian.

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I Owe Him That Much

pentagram lace hid her prudency, though she tugged at her black bra and tossed that aside too. her dark, exotic nips were visible through the streak of alabaster fur, both pierced, complimented by her pentagram choker.

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The Unlucky Virgin, Chapter 1

Suddenly her tail whipped out of the pentagram and wrapped around my ankle like a striking snake. it was so quick i had no time to even try to react before she had dragged me into the pentagram!

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Midnight Secret - Revised

She had a pentagram etched into the stone floor, and sealed with lime and salt, and right in the middle of the pentagram was a bed, a large king sized bed that was big enough to have an orgy on. but that was not her intentions.

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A Special Forgotten Place

He took it and threw it violently to the stone floor inside the pentagram and there was a loud explosion and blinding light, and when i looked again there were two demons in the pentagram!

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Chaos of the Dark Furs Chapter 2 opening

Looking down from a plane though a window seeing the black fire pentagram derek said "this could get interesting."

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Inferno High - Chapter 17

Why do you have pentagrams and snow flakes enscribing your body?" ben was looking straight at me, with a questioning look on his face. "oh, they're natural."

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Iron Dragon Chapters 147-148

He was almost dead, they had cut him open and used his blood to draw a pentagram on the floor. he was bound and propped at the tip of the longest point on the asymmetrical pentagram.

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