Welcome to the Herd

I don't even blame my 'friend'; he merely gave me the means to damn myself. i did the damning. with a deep moaning grunt i orgasmed, my cock pulsing, balls throbbing as i came, the pleasure so intense it was almost agonizing.

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Spirits within - The Awakening.wps

I'm a god damn ghost! i got nothing they ever will be jealous over!" i nearly shouted and slammed my fist onto the bed i was sitting on. "that's not true and you know it, who were it that helped me learning the spells necessary for my healer exams?

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Spirits within - Abnomination

**(not really happy with how this turned out, just so you know, hopefully the next 3 chapters will be better. And if there is something that seems out of content do tell so I can fix it, might be because of my recent changing of some points of the...

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Humanity's fall.rtf

I was dreaming, a dream about hate and sorrow. A dream filled with picture of some kind of operation on a young man flashing by as the sound of screams gets closer, the screams stopped and i opened my eyes. Everything was blurry and hard to see so i...

Humanity's fall - Demons and Angels.rtf

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang1030\f0\fs20 Humanity's fall - Demons and Angels\par By Morten B. Petersen\par \par \par When i woke up I felt...


Aewarith's Curse

I didn't even punch that hard" he said and felt after my pulse too "damn.. you are right the bastard is dead" he said and looked at his underlings.

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chapter 2 Dora's new love

//Warning// my stories is not for people under 18 Dora had just awoken from her sleep she was still in the hospital Luc was sitting beside her bed sleeping on a chair with the bed as a pillow "Wake up Luc" Dora said and shook his...

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A lonely kitty

this is my abselutely FIRST story plz be nice and sorry if my gramma is bad :P \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ...

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Spirits within - Wild Nature

I took the time they wasted on talking to crack several sore joints, the cuts and bruises on the most of my body already healed by the spreading corrosion, my nails starting to grow slightly longer, and sharper, "damn it, not now" i mumbled to myself

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[noyiff] Cerberus Journal - Two

The shrieks of the tormented damned faded behind us and ended in an unearthly splash. the styx would spit him out where he was less endangered, and less dangerous.

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Damned Poet

Of damned nature your poetry is, your comedy i oh so much cherish, described as divine and to cause bliss, among the ones who seem to perish.

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The damned

The damned copyright by james mikoto i had free time:/

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