"Core Nova" story easer

It started off as a small, self insert fantasy, but it's lore grew and evolved with me over the years as i met various people and was inspired by many things that effected my life, such as games, music and rl events.

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Tagged for Execution: Silent Hunter (snuff, scat)

Unfortunately had some rl blues really beat me up, so this one took a while longer than i hoped to get posted.

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°1haru is a play on my rl name, which means sun. this story is \_loosely\_ based on japanese society so i used haru which means "sun" or "sunlight"

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The Raven Lady

She appeared to me recently when my rl mate decided she needed to move back to canada and that we would be separated for one year.

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Caedece - Chapter 2

rl just caught up with me and it decided to screw with me. the first being that i didn't like how the chapter was progressing and the second was that it put my computer out of commission for a bit.

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Gina CatGirl 2

Thinly veiled rl interpersonal problems. minor plot points. gina catgirl 2) growing up furry gina catgirl, nee' rodriguez, was the pussy pride's baitfur.

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Based on rl events which were current at the original time of writing (about 2014): a young gay man at college took his own life after his computer's webcam had been hacked by his roommate. _ **"did you know about this?!"

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OtF Ch3 - Third & Fourth Journals

Part of it was just being busy with rl stuff and with some of my other stories, part of it was that i realized there were some plot holes that i needed to sort out. day eight. saw two very different things today and wanted to write them down.

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Chapter 2: The First Change

This chapter kicked my ass, not to mention rl has not been kind. but i finally got my ass in gear, and this chapter if finally finished! hope ya'll enjoy, and with any luck the next chapter won't take as long to come out.

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New Beginnings part 4

#4 of nb so here is part 4 you guys, again no major changes, sorry for the wait, as usual rl kinda has its way of prolonging the process and not only did i take forever (like a lazy bear) to edit, my fantastic editor was attacked with rl things as well.

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An Advanced Reality

_i keep forgetting to ask him where we can meet in rl(_rl is real life, for those of you who don't know).

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Marsten's Interview

I just don't find being with a person in rl as enjoyable as it is online. not that i haven't done it before, and i've been told i'm very good, but i just don't enjoy it as much. q: asexual? you just haven't found the right partner yet, hon.

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