Gina CatGirl 5
Gina CatGirl 5) Gina and Friends When Horace got used to the fur, he moved to another city the Feds had used for witnesses before. There was a clinic nearby with docs and nurses who were familiar with treating Fursons. He wanted to meet new...
Gina CatGirl 4
Gina CatGirl 4) Lies and Fun Cat-ette divided her time, less for the Pride, more for the nurses, some for the street. Part of Gina's deal to become a CatGirl was to advertise for BioSyn, and she had been Tween Cat, Young Teen Cat, and just Teen...
Gina CatGirl 2
Gina CatGirl 2) Growing Up Furry Gina CatGirl, nee' Rodriguez, was the Pussy Pride's baitfur. Just thirteen, mom went away somewhere, brother out with friends, dad killed trying to stop a holdup. The Pride was her family now. All the Pride's...
Gina CatGirl 3
Gina CatGirl 3) Growing Up Cat-ette was fourteen now. In her months of helping the Pride steal from Humans she'd lost some of her fresh-muzzle innocence. Oh, she was still a useful baitfur, and would be for many years, but it'd become familiar....
Gina CatGirl 1
[This story is a bit new for me; it's in third-person, and I think I got all the foxies out! I'm not sure I hit enough vulgar stereotypes with the Kevin or Jake stories, so I'm doing this. Try it anyway, OK?] Gina was a CatGirl. She still is, but...
Reigning Cats and Dogs
Left carnassial and his felids crouching in threat and in fear, and refusing to call it cowering.
NM #2 ~ Sitting
The night sky was clear, innumerable stars flickering on a canvas of black as Niv stared past them all. The porch steps weren't the most comfortable place to sit, but it was the quietest and had the best view. He didn't have to crane his neck. ...
Ghostbusters: Daybreak - 01 - The Codex
Nine's eyes widened as he moved to try and read the plaque, but blue electricity jolted out of the ichnofossil, hitting the three felines gathered around it.
NM #1 ~ Comfort
The door clicked as Mela unlocked it and stepped into the house. She set her duffle bag on the floor before announcing herself. "Honey I'm home!" she called facetiously. Making her way to the kitchen, she peeked into the living room to see Niv...
MHO - The Cult of the Crimson Isles - Chapter 15
_Mystic Heart Odyssey_ _Part 5: The Cult of the Crimson Isles_ _Chapter 15_ _So just to note, a sareo is a garment I made up. If something actually exists by that name, it's an accidental coincidence. Basically, it's like a t-shirt with a long...
NM #14 ~ Hands On
The gentle patter of rain eased Niv into the waking world as he drifted toward consciousness. He took a deep breath, letting it out in a slow groan as he stretched. His back arched and he pointed his toes,...
MHO - The Cult of the Crimson Isles - Chapter 16
_Mystic Heart Odyssey_ _Part 5: The Cult of the Crimson Isles_ _Chapter 16_ _Okay, I should just title this one "Exposition Galore". Hope you find the world building interesting, at least!_ _-Llox_ ...