Clown Mare 7

The last key that shayde gave was the next key to saline. while saline and shayde went into their rooms they could only think about rane shackleton.


Master & Slave: Wash Away the Fears

"shayde!!" a cry in the dark caused them to break apart, both sets of eyes scanning the rain for the source of the her name suddenly ringing in the air.

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Family Affairs

"i thought shayde did you in!" "shayde?" "a bounty hunter like me. only more skilled at catching his target."

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The Four Gems

Xani seemed friendly enough for a thief and if shayde could trust her then so could he. the two got to know each other a little better as they had a few laughs in between their conversation but then xani remembered something shayde told her about zeng.

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A New Dawn

#24 of legend of the tiger clan even though his wounds weren't fatal kerric would have to spend a few weeks in the hospital wing with xani leaving only shayde, angel linda, sam, abby and zeng.

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Darkness Approaches

"okay shayde, xani i'll need you to hold him down while i put this on his wounds, sam use your shadow to feel for any broken bones." "right!" "hang on zeng..."

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Dragon Storm: Chapter 33: Rio’s Counterattack: Never Give In!

Hehe... you're a good boy shayde! it's a good goal worth working hard for. please shayde... become a strong canine... so that i can smile proudly when i watch you!" kibroy said while smiling. "dad!"

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Master & Slave: Lost and Found

"shayde. your name from now on is shayde." he stopped, laughing and shaking his head. "and here i am, realizing now that i haven't told you my name either."

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A New Age

Sam flunged three spears into his shoulders while shayde sliced off both his wings making him roar in agony, zengs attacks were the most fierce, savage and damaging as he gouged the shadow dragons flesh with the power of smolder, then the spell for the seal

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Folie a Trois: Part 5

He takes shayde katana and cuts through the duct tape before giving it back to shayde to free zak.   "kujo! i'm so sorry!" i leap up and wrap my arms around his neck. "i have no idea what came over me.

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Keeping Secrets

Nothing could save shayde now...unless something intercepted the arrow. samiake was so intent on shayde, that he didn't see the blue dragon.

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