Tik Tik Seeks a Dragon

"why, you wanted to skip through any sort of payment and supplication. i just figured i'd get right down to it.

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Splash Damage 1

"all must grant me supplication to have an audience with me. what wild creature dares disrespect the great king o. morashi?"

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Draykan and the Carnal Curse 6

One of her supplicants catches it, nuzzling and wrapping themselves around the discarded article. "i grow tired of civility, draykan," the gorgon says. "there are many here in anteronia who do."

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Markus and Lactania 1

I'm a spellcaster myself, well, not a good one," he says this, dropping his explorer's pack, falling to his knees, and bending down in supplication. "but, i would be honored to have the honor of challenging you--to see your magic first-hand!"

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Rampage's Rampage 2

Through the empty chapel, she focuses her concentration, for the goddess asks that her followers prepare themselves for any and all supplication and service.

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Home sweet home (Alabama)

As she hears master's car she moves quickly to the door, waiting on her knees as a supplicant before the alter, awaiting his presence.

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Thorns of the Blood Rose - Installment 1

Who stand when the village elders _demanded_they supplicate to 'lord' tikasha? naomi's shaking grew worse, scraping her father's fur with the side of his blade.

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A Manly Conflict of Orcs and Dwarves

Then he cast an eye over the hard, sweaty body supplicating itself before him, face buried in his crotch and suckling hard, smooth green ass up high in the air.

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Minding To Business

Upon the opening of the briefcase, the fog outside began to press inwards the windows in the house, so that nothing except for it could be seen surrounding the customer and supplicant. of course, what mr.

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Royal Dragon Hunt (part 1)

Julnar says this with her head bowed and kneeling in supplication, her body displayed for all to see as she is chastised. "and as for you, yusef;" prince mufasa says with a growl with great disdain. "you of all people should know better.

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Vijaya's Pet-A Desperate Maneuver

Her growl instantly disappears as she offers this supplication. "that's a good girl," he says, pulling his toe away. "you're a powerful individual. you may not be the prize i sought, but you are a prize, nonetheless.

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Amethyst Eyes of the Jungle - An Exalted Prologue

And a lot of effort, but he was able to complete the supplication and he was able to receive not just an audience, but was able to demand the blessing. he would be as a stallion! potent! virile! yes. such were his demands, and such were they granted!

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