Free Meal Deal

Hope the stupid snack will feel nice as a pile of turds." ash smirked and caressed spiritusk's stomach. the dalmatian's tail thrashed back and forth squeezing that gut a bit.

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Under a Luminous Sky

After some more minutes, the now empty satisfied john stood up, and wiggles his rump clean of the last swaying turd, which drops directly onto felix's face, smearing all through his grayish gleaming fur.

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Chapter 1 part 3 a late night snack

Prepared for the next one and repeated the process until the last long fell into his mouth just to be chewed and swallowed, spike fell over from being a bit tired, that was the most poop i have had to do in a long time said spike, as sam swallowed the last turd

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Judy meanwhile was greeted by a wave of shitty smells as her mother kept farting and shitting out light brown turds filled her by now completely ruined panties.

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Oh, Shit. Part 1

To smell a turd!, she reasoned in her mind. a rogue thought entered her equine brain before she pushed it aside, i wonder what it smells like?

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Late Night Snack

She was holding a glorious turd in her hands, gazing at it in her drunken stupor. "oh finn, that looks delicious! i was craving such a snack all night!"

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Natasha Tarbosaurus and the Gravid Gallimimus

With a heavy push, she finally felt her next turd begin to crown. "alright...this...this is it." gritting her teeth, she pushed the turd from her tail hole, until it finally popped free like a cork, and with it, a flood of liquid dumped as well.

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A shitty day at the ranch

Pulling back, the scent of dung filled his nose as another pat of horse turd fell onto his face.

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Quilava Healthcare

turd after turd, the latter half of them even intertwined with her gown, joined their brethren. together smelling up the examination room. as quilavas go, blitz was a rather peculiar one.

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to start at the begining

The pig did not let his turd follow. the farmer looked down at his turd-incrusted dick. "man, that will not do!"

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The Sacred Bond of Friendship Pt.2

At first, only wet farts and small turds came out of riolu's butt, but as time progressed, turds that were five inches long came out along with really long and raunchy farts.

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Gargoyles: Secret Revealed

He emitted a soft shuddering moan of pleasure, the scent of his friend's turds bringing his arousal back.

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