With Eyes Open

The sudden upheaval in the ranks left our packs in chaos; a perfect opportunity to slip past formalities of state in favor of ruthless backstabbing. while the elder female's bickered over scraps of authority a forgotten threat began circling downwind.

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An Umbreon Quest Chap 11 Tracking

Garomun said, upheaved and on his feet. "shhh, everyone stay down." keltorie said. the ta grunt had a fearful face, he said on the cell phone. "please sir! i don't want to die! please!"

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An Umbeon's Quest Chap 8 Stadium Wreck

They looked at me without upheaval and let me through. the room was exactly the same as the one that i was in with the zorua, except with men, women and other dark pokemons. i stood next to another umbreon.

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Windchaser - Acceptance

Over a century ago, sha'saki launched a military campaign against sha'talor in attempt to gain a better position to conquer sha'solira who just called for a three year armistice, so that their lands can recover from the constant upheaval of war._

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Space for a time.

The first upheaval was caused by essentially limitless energy. julia childs showed us that the energy in your one stick of butter is enough to make you fat and contribute to your diabetes.

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The Puppet 3: Exterminatrix

Trees sprouted from the ground, their roots upheaving the foundations as their crowns forced their way through the wooden planks of the floor. the temple was in shambles. this was an act of aggression.

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Ice World - Crystal Memory

Floods and upheavals killed millions , more on land then sea. those that survived this global disaster began to build a new civilization._ this new ice age of cheltin, the _ice world_ had begun.

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Hunter of Mad Kings: From Beyond the Grave

"_ i remember the upheaval the city went through during this series of abominable crimes: citizens demanding the killer be apprehended, increasingly vehement and agitated as the london police and scotland yard failed to do so - wild conspiracy theories circulating

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Harbingers Ch4: The Shadow + Ch5: True Colors

Land shook his head, "i'd really rather not mother, grand schemes and politics are so boring, social upheaval makes stealing too easy.

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Battle of the Gods (Creation Story)

It was a land of constant upheavals, where the shape and form of the ground was constantly changed by the ever changing wind-born sands.

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Political upheaval in the eastern lands eventually lead to the 2 a.m. flight of the royal family to a neutral province. queen edeline could have given up the titles, the jewels, land and money. she would have without hesitation. the lives though.

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