By the light... Chapter 9 The ebbs and flows of time

On the night of the full moon a representative from the werecat clan will arrive on the northern border.

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By the light Chapter 9...The Ebbs and Flows of Time.

On the night of the full moon a representative from the werecat clan will arrive on the northern border.

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Club of Wolves ch. 5

With that kind of cultural history between the two groups, changing into a werecat functioned like a secret handshake, or wearing a rainbow shirt in a pride parade. it made me a member of the group.

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WOLF - pt.18

_ the werecat was still in human form as i dived at her, claws swiping in a blind rage. she ducked beneath me, rolling and turning at the same time so that she was braced behind me. "your a quick one out of the gate, kid!

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Os-Nadarra Earth Glossary

He determined them to be from the claws of a cat-like creature, meaning that the second 'pack' was not a pack at all -this was the work of werecats.


Tomcats & Queens Series (Tomcat Book - Part Two)

Then your dad is a werecat?" sabrina smiled widely. "yep.

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Bondage Stream Story 1: Tomcats on the Prowl

"but werecats -" "-are more powerful than you know, little man. or should i say, little kitten?" it swept over his body, the fur remaining close to his chest and sprouting from his hips rather than jutting out all over.

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Debbie Chapter 4

"she's a fresh turn and the alone werecat around how can she endanger the pack." "she isn't a wolf, we don't need her here. we're not suggesting to kill her just send her away." "to where? she has no family, no pack to look out for her."


Black and Gold

She is an alluring, black leopardess of the werecat clan by the name of shadia, which in their tongue means "born of shadows".

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By the light Chapter 13 The Storms Break...

Furrn was no virgin...and this pack has never associated with the werecats before this war.

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By the light... Chapter 13 The storms break!

I fell for a werecat, and she for me. my sire caught us tied together this morning." mouwser coughed, "you fucked a werecat? boy are you brave..." "or stupid... and no i didn't just fuck one... i fell in love with one.

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A Vision of Devotion

Bast had long since preached that to be a werecat was to be fertile and eager, and that was a teaching that seemed to be quite true.

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