V=mgxayhezo6o) [_you've been trolled, you've been trolled, you should prob-ab-ly just fold_]( [_when the only winning hand is not to plaaaaaay!_](
Chuckled the troll. otoah looked down to see that the once violet skinned and raven haired troll's upper body was now all but covered in a layer of white bull cum, his bull cum. "oh, i'm so-."
The Troll Atoll
The troll atoll written by leo_todrius commissioned by velianaris two friends have ventured to the troll atoll, invited for a bit of a college vacation.
Troll story
The troll approached him, breathing heavily. "i- i..." mitch could not get his words out through his fright. the troll was grunting as it craned it's massive, ugly body over mitch's.
Trolling for a Costume
The feet of the costume started to fill in, looking less like a costume foot, and more like a proper troll foot.
Troll Hunting
"so is this troll all that bad?" "worse. you see zeng before you and i were born grendel ruled the night of the mortal world with fear and blood.
Getting Trolled
"though while we're on the subject, what is the troll opinion on sex?" a look of confusion sat on merk's face, a position tasha was hoping to try. "make more troll. feel good. what you mean?"
Trolls 2
Her teeth scratch up against flesh, tearing at the troll's skin. a metallic taste fills her mouth as gramble roars, pulling his hips back. tik tik sputters as green troll blood dribbles down her chin.
Trolls 1
"gramble troll. tik tik kobold," she says, hoping the draconic name would translate well enough for him. "tik tik want learn sex from gramble."
Walking Deeper into Desire
"_ vincent reaches a hand toward the troll as he stands up. the troll nods before clasping his slender fingers onto the venthyr's.
Breaking in Modruk: Losing it again
The troll's lips closed in and danny felt them move as the troll responded, "ta bea makin good on my word, mon."
Bravik the Troll Warior
Usually around his age trolls were either elder warriors relegated to large barracks, or generals of troll armies.