A Wolf on Sauria Ch.9

"shadowclaw," krystal whispered, "they use your fears to attack your spirit," fox fired off a pair of shots which disappeared into the creature without a sign of causing it any disturbance, as if it was just a lizard-shaped black hole.

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Ballroom Ambush

A large explosion followed as a part of the wall blew out, a silloute of the white vixen firing slugs back into the ballroom before jumping into darkness. "... i hope you got some pictures."

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Otter's Daily Life- Fawks' Birthday Surprise

Kyle clenched rhythmically around fawks' length as he came which set off the fox, firing sticky wads of cum into the otter's rump. kyle finished cumming first, and just enjoyed the warmth of fawks' load flowing into him.

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Outland, Part 3

The fox fired a shot at him, taking him down- only to have regina tackle him up against the wall just as he turned away from her. the deputy suddenly felt the wind get knocked out of him as he impacted against the hard metal surface of the corridor.

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A Yiffy Story

Aryan finally thrust one last time, as hard as he could, and the cat below him meowed as the fox fired his seed into his partner. one, two, three times the fox shot semen against the cat's abused gland, filling up the cavity of his lover.

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Chump Change

They emerged behind the teller's counters, owen leading the way as fox fired through one of the glass teller windows, knocking out a roof mounted camera on the far side of the lobby before climbing over and firing a few more rounds into the roof, a few screams

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The Rogue: Part 2

Moving, almost in slow motion, towards my face, a jagged and razor piece of steel, gleaming from the light of the explosions, white hot, looking like it was coated in fox-fire. it felt like it skimmed my cheek, but i blacked out afterwards.

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A Wolf on Sauria Ch.3

fox fired, blasting chunks of molten stone out of the makeshift shield. he rolled out of the way as wolf slammed into the wall at full speed. fox darted around and jumped up, climbing on wolf's back and hooking an arm around his throat.

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The Hybrid War Part 2

Her mother screamed, lynx kicked the table at david, grabbed laura as she fell and ran for the balcony, fox fired back at david hitting the walls either side of him forcing to duck under the flying table then ran after lynx, they both jump over the railing

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Luka's Adventures: the star fox series

They said to me, i pointed the sonic at them, the wolf fired one shot, knocking and destroying my screwdriver, then the fox fired, hitting me in the chest, then again in the stomach, and again in the head, i wobbled back into the shattered window, sending

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Vengeance Set 2 (6-10)

Renamon: fox fire! she turned blue and matt jumped off of her. she spun and hit megidramon in the back of the head. megidramon: ouch! razor claw! he snapped around and cut at kyubimon. he missed by millimeters.

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Starfox: Ghost [Chapter 4]

Dropping down, fox fired a trio of shots that flashed off a personal shield. still enough force to propel the hog backwards ass-first through a vent cover where he began noisily tumbling down toward the lower decks.

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