Lampwick Syndrome

The lava lamp burbled, and it was good. "arf!" said paco, for he was a dog. "hey paco. you're very small." "he does that!"

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A Brand New You

The question caught the fox off-guard, especially since his focus was on the strange silvery substance that seemed to flow up and down the saurian form like a lava lamp.

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Henry Rider: Clown Hunter

It was less noticeable now that he wasn't screaming, but every time he opened his mouth it still looked like he had a lava lamp jammed down his throat. no wonder the maiam had come here. and it wouldn't be the last.

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Seven Tails, Chapter 6

There was a white lifesaver hanging on one side of the room, and the warm red glow of a lava lamp filled the atmosphere. a red-headed girl sat on my feet--she must have been the the one who'd slapped me. "wake up!" she cried, and slapped me again.

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05. The Scoop

I found it pretty quick, it was exactly as i'd imagined it; bluish teal walls covered with posters from pop bands, rock bands, a computer on a wooden desk with a lava lamp behind it, a low electric globe sat behind the computer.

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The Cry for Freedom Chapter 1: Revaluation's Awakening

My neon-fused skin started to move like jelly in a lava lamp as the color turned from my lifeless mood of grey to blue to symbolize my contentment with waking up another day being able to move.

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Chapter 14: A Dragon by Any Other Name

The vague light of the lava lamps around the room reflected off the bronze scales and diego rubbed the dense muscles of his lover's chest. seth ran a claw over the curved abs of his mate and squeezed gently.

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A Product Testing Party (1/5)

In the middle of the creature's body was liquid silver that seemed to gravitate up and down like a lava lamp and glinted in the light.

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Dimension 67 Volume 1 Synopsis WIP

As he relays his surreal dialogue, he levitates & feral lizard like constructs manifest from lava lamp wax like ectoplasm, seen throughout the story, & have the appearance of 16 iconic film characters.

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story: Friendship Means Responsibility (My Little Pony)

Somehow celestia's mane reminded him of one of his lava lamps he had at home. celestia let her horn glow and a piece of parchment landed between them on the table gently carried by a breeze.

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Heartless Dragon part 7 Truth

More importantly, he was in a familiar blue room that had ocean wallpapers and a red lava lamp next to a stand. it was a room in which he and ashel had once been in before. he then heard the door to the far left opened and ashel came through, naked.

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Shattered Remains: Chapter 1

I would love to be able to explain how i went from chugging beers with a few dorm mates to floating inside of a giant, color-changing lava lamp.

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