Love In The Castle: Part 3

Beginning to wake up from feinting earlier during the king's pleasuring, she starts to open her eyes only to find she can't see through the all consuming darkness. Now more than a little frightened she immediately wakes up seeing that she is lying in...

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The Tribute and the Lost

So... thought I'd upload something to the site. I had a long intro sort-of thing, but my browser ate it. I'll keep it brief. This is my first story on here, I hope you like it. Whoever all you crazy people are. Feel free to tell me how to do my job if...

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There was a thunderous knocking from the door. Mr. Grennan woke with a start. He looked at his watch. Twenty to four in the morning? The knocking continued. Grennan shook himself and pulled on his clothes from yesterday. He...

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Dragon Riddle part 1

The black dragon flew over the spot of forest, made a large, lazy circle, feeling the pressure of the wind that ravaged the plains, and lowered slowly , before touching the ground with a earthshattering drop. The echo of the impact dissipated , as fast...

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Master & Slave: Wash Away the Fears

#10 of the master & slave chronicles the rain beating down through the branches overhead was cold, but she didn't care.

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Thanksgiving Day Dream

[So i'm really new at this, just a quick note I sent to a friend for an RP we are doing. Always looking for creative feedback, this was more just a "short", not a proper story, but if you do enjoy it, please let me know in the comments.] Alice...

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Nate woke up with the familiar damp smell of cellar around him. He didn't need to open his eyes to know exactly where he was. What he wouldn't give to not wake up here, to be back in his dorm room, or anywhere else really. The sound of the door being...

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[Commission] Mine

The lights were low and the music was loud. It was the kind of situation where you could barely hear yourself think, where you could lose yourself for a few moments. Erica loved those moments. They were, for her, one of her guilty...

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To Follow My Heart Ch2.

Ch 2. The Message. The door slowly opened up to Icewaver's room, the wolf was still sound asleep as the intruder came in. In an instant Bright light came through the window as the wolf standing in front of it moved the curtains out of the way....

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To Follow My Heart Ch1.

Warning: This story will in the future this storry will have M/M, a lot of bloody scens, and language so if your not into all that sorry. Chapter 1 : Not Such a Good Beginning The light shined brightly on the wolf...

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Bondmates 2

Kage woke up, feeling slightly uncomfortable and realized why. Her cock was still in Dove, even though the knot had shrunk. Kage yawned and stumbled to the bathroom to take care of business, remembered what happened last night, and decided to pamper...

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Pariah - Chapter 1: Confusion

[The wonderful writer who not only inspired this story, but also allowed me to write a story in the same world as the one he created!]( [All rights of the world, and its creation, go to its creator, Onyx Tao. I can take...

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