A New Purpose Part 7

Irma snorted derisively and cracked her tail. "Skin or scale? We can't even agreeee how to treat those with different colorsss, to say nothing of whatever isss to be made of usss now. What happened to him declaring martial law?" Ulysses stepped...

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A New Purpose Part 6

As we sat there and tried to process what was happening. Brian and Serena had gradually overcame their initial hysteria and were talking rapidly to each other. Luke and Lucy were still whimpering beneath Kim's raised wing as she craned her head back...

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A New Purpose Part 5

Alex appeared as Irma lifted her wing away and looked at us over her body grinning like a loon. "I knew it. I knew there was an infestation of rattlesnakes around here somewhere." "And there go the happy feelings." I muttered, my glee evanescing, I...

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A New Purpose Part 4

After some time, we awoke. I opened my eyes to see the gaping mouth of my yawning wife as she cleared her head. Once a moment had passed, she pulled my head closer to hers, and rubbed her cheek against my own while she made a rumbling noise the likes...

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A New Purpose Part 3

Sometime later, I felt a nudge. And then another. Then a voice spoke; "c'mon Dad, you're heavy." Finally the voice registered. And panic flared anew in my body. "Lucy! What are you doing? I thought your mother told you to stay in the attic! We could...

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A New Purpose Part 2

I woke seven hours later as my brother shook me awake. "Alex?" I queried groggily. "Get up you slug, your wife says you've slept enough." I snapped awake "God damn it Kim! I said four hour shifts!" She looked up from where she was sitting next to...

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A New Purpose Part 1

I sat back and reflected on the story I had to tell, while my wife passed by outside singing some kind of praise about her own awesomeness. I gave an amused chortle as her passage rattled the outside of our barn. I craned my head back to look at the...

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A Poet's Purpose - short poem

A poet's thoughts, Like the words they write, Live, breathe, and flow in their heart and brain. It's the job of the poet to paint, This picture on your heart. To love, to hurt, to feel for you. Situations you'd never imagine. The hate, the...

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Clarity of Purpose (Welded Sunset)

~ Well above the discrete happenings of the base camp below, the broad winged eagle mech carefully balanced atop a fresh thermal updraft while waiting for the final phase of calibrations to conclude. His attentions, lazily darting about over the camp's...

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"Seeking Fertile bitch for mating purposes"

Dan sighed and leaned back at the chair, scanning through the craigslist ad he had just posted. _Owner seeking purebred female German shepherd for breeding_ shone at the head of the classified, with an offer of half of the litter for whoever had a...

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Fade To Black Chapter 4 "Their Purpose"

Chapter 4 "Their Purpose" The streets trembled as the beast proceeded into the town. It's one objective, ravage the city, however those plans were halted when a strange duo appeared in front of him . "Think we can take him?" Daren looked up as...

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What is Love? - Part 1: Purpose?

He has no purpose. but something ticks. he feels different today. but why? little did he know how different he really is. what is love? (part 1) ~ the house awoke with electricity flowing through it.

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