Winter's day (WIP)

The smell of foulness lingers the air from the passed out drunkards on the floor. loud and obnoxious singing can be heard from miles away, as the bartender tries to concentrate on the orders of mead and food.

PermaPreg: Fox in the Milkhouse

Terry finally passed out, blacking out in pleasure. * * * one year later terry moaned as lou filled him cock. even a year later it was so intense terry would almost pass out when lou would first enter him.

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The Capture

Right before he passed out, he wondered, belatedly, how he was going to breathe. when he awoke he found himself lying on his back with his legs spread wide and his tail bound down.

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a wish, a coin (Aggretsuko tg tf)

"shit..." but she couldn't take it and ended up passing out.

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My dream in story form... Atleast I think it's a dream

The room started going cold, and i passed out... there was this glow... i opened my eyes, and i saw... jesus...? he was wearing white robes with a purple sach. on his hands and feet still was the markers of his tragic death.

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Story of the enslaved

He groaned as he passed out again spending his full 15 minute time on the past.

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Taggart Ó Cuagan Prologue

I didn't initially pass out; i tried crawling out of the alley, so someone in the city could find and help me. i can't remember passing out, but the next morning i woke up in a nice bed.



The airbag hit my face and i passed out. the image of the boy burnt itself into my mind. he had two heads. i woke up in a hospital. i had bandages almost everywhere. i tried to move, but the pain was too grand.

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DemonWhiteWalls Story -not finish-

As i try to say who is that, i pass out from the lost of blood.

Challenging of Fate

So soon enough you will pass out..." she growled "cheater!!"

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Know To Understand. Chapter 8: Do not hate.

"how did you know he was going to pass out?" i could hear ferali's mother, tonya asked. "well when you've been with him like this for so long, you'll notice when he's about to pass out." i rubbed my sweet prince on his long snout.

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Sly Down Under (March #2 Rule 34 Story)

I just needed to make sure murray didn't pass out. i turned and dragged my wet tongue up the pulsing member and i heard an obvious gasp from the hippo. "act natural!" i whispered again urgently. "if you pass out we're not going to get that diamond!"

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