“The Khajiit and The Amulet of Divine Luck” A Story Inspired by Elder Scroll’s IV: Oblivion

"The Khajiit and The Amulet of Divine Luck" **A Story Inspired by Elder Scroll's IV: Oblivion** I remember my father once telling me that only a fool would trust a Khajiit with a Cheshire grin. I found his point of philosophy to be...


Under The Quiet Moon - III - 01/20/2011

**Under The Quiet Moon - III** The storm raged on, filling the night with a life all its own. Tears gushed into her eyes but were wiped clean by nature's hand. The nightmares were real... claiming victims. Angela was one of them now, and Elizabeth......

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Under The Quiet Moon - II - 01/20/2011

**Under The Quiet Moon - II** The pitter-patter was punctuated by panicked splashes as shoeless feet pressed their owner frantically through the night. _There are no monsters in the dark... there are no monsters in the dark... the old stories aren't...

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Under The Quiet Moon - I - 01/19/2011

**Under The Quiet Moon - I** Cold rain fell hard upon the rooftops, washing their filth onto the cobblestone streets. For the first time in a week, a young dark haired woman let herself stand boldly outside under the overhang of her home. The rain...

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Soul Stalkers - 03

\*\*\*\*\* guest writer little red wolf "fuckin' bitches! yeah, do that again!" fraternity boys, too drunk to think strait, were yelling at the two girls.

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Soul Stalkers - 02

Soul Stalkers - 02 By Arthur Griffin Life is challenging for the new thrall. I have shattered her will so I create her a new one. A life time of selfishness overwritten by the need to nurture another. This is difficult, so I start with my own...

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Soul Stalkers - 01

Soul Stalkers - 01 By Arthur Griffin The lean months of summer are finally at an end. The school year is next week. The campus is alive with prey. Girls are just becoming young women, and moving into the dorms. Parents let their baby girls...

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Witch Blood 14

Rhea opened her eyes and found herself back in her bedroom. Everything was sore ... and she was sweltering. Though her body complained terribly, she stumbled herself upright, wobbled across the room, and threw open the shutters. Sunlight stabbed into...

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Journey of a Succubus - 06

Last Edit: 04 September 2009 Journey of a Succubus - 06 Elora laid on her side as the life essence of her former servant seeped into her veins. Seven hundred years of memories and emotions rushed through her. For a time it felt as if she...

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Journey of a Succubus - 05

Last Edit: 04 September 2009 Journey of a Succubus - 05 Subuta ran a wide bristled brush gently through Elora's wet hair. Her eyes were half-closed as his careful attention massaged her to the roots. Subuta had used some sort of special...

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Journey of a Succubus - 04

Last Edit: 03 September 2009 Journey of a Succubus - 04 All of the baths Elora had taken in her life were in private tubs with a servant or two and occasionally a doctor there to check her body. She had never bathed with her husband, but...

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Journey of a Succubus - 03

Last Edit: 13 September 2009 Journey of a Succubus - 03 Five erect towers pointed toward the swirling vortex that passed as the sky of the netherworld. In the center there was a castle keep and within these towers and walls were the...

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