From Elsweyr With Love (#2)

"You understand the mission then?" La'Dasha said to the grate under her feet as she sat on the bench. "I do," came the terse reply. La'Dasha had never met the man she knew as Faelian, though she had made use of his services for years. So far he had...

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On His Mane's Secret Service - #16

Chapter 16 In the end, the wedding was a much less private affair than she'd expected. No longer a Concubine of the Mane, there was no need for secrecy. In fact, the little chapel had filled to overflowing with the Mane and all the other concubines...

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The End is Where We Start From

The End is Where We Start From A tale from the Agent's lounge As I was saying the last time we talked, hardly anyone, myself excluded, ever grows up intending to be an espionage agent, intelligence analyst or assassin. My case is the exception...

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Innocent Fucking

The town was bustling with people walking around the shopping district, buying whatever it is that they needed. Anthros of all kinds going around doing what they could buy or wanted to get for the heck of it, though some have their attention being...

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For Your Paws Only - Chapter 1

For your paws only chapter 1 - should you choose to accept it since the dawn of civilization nations have spied on one another, but in the twentieth century the profession became institutionalized.

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The Last Seduction of Suzie Wong

The Last Seduction of Suzie Wong A Tale from the Agent's Lounge As you recall we agreed that if I could prove access to inside information we would talk terms and conditions. I take it that my information checked out; otherwise you guys would be...

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Ex Marks the Spot

Peter Dumac felt his tail bristle almost before he heard the storefront window shatter. He whirled around and caught a glimpse of black leather and a motorcycle helmet before getting shoulder-checked in the stomach. He hit the ground hard. The...

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The love for a legendary Chapter 2

The next day, Giratina wakes up to find Dialga gone making him worried. Quickly he gets up and begins to look for her but couldn't find her. Giratina searches treasure town and the guild but no sign of Dialga. Giratina felt like giving up but...

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The Finding (My first story ever)

M/F Summary: The young dragonness, Ari, has found herself in some trouble with a couple of hunters, fighting for her life, she kills a few with more remaining, too exhausted to fly away, she is finding herself trapped. Not too far away, the young...

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Disposing of Sharps

"Gawn, get in!" "There's no need to shove," the scruffy coyote said, keeping his head high as he stepped through the doorway. "I merely wanted to inspect the premises before..." "Get in!" The bear set a paw against the small of his back and...

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Yote's New Mission- Chapter 1

I woke up early the next morning, freed myself from Natalya's grip, (she liked to sleep with both arms wrapped tightly around my midsection) and threw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. I splashed some cold water on my face, and made my way to the local...

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Late night, agent's lounge

Late night, agent's lounge Silver sat alone at the bar in the agent's lounge. It was late, even for someone used to irregular hours. The day had been a particularly tough one. There had been been problems with the new recruit class, an operative had...

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