Seven Years Later Chapter 10

stay safe and thanks for everything!" lucario hid his grin and darted off.         "i know that he'll be fine," kutty smiled. "he managed to get this far without getting hurt, so just believe in him."

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The Kanto Adventures - The Journey Begins

Ichibu smiled and began walking "don't worry bones, i'll make sure that you'll stay safe."

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Seven Years Later Chapter 8

In this formation, they would make sure that chatot stayed safe. upon reaching the entrance to the mountain, kutty fell to her knees and clutched her scaly head. "whoa kutty", began unshi, "are you alright?       

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Lost friend

Tell me if you think mittens is going to go with bolt or if she decides to stay safe in the house.

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The Dream

Stay low and stay safe." he handed sam the knife and hugged him. sam thanked him for all he had done for him before rushing off into the forest. i wish you wouldn't go, but i understand why you have to. stay safe until we meet agian.

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Dr. Gruffy’s Beginner’s Guide to Butt Sex

It's best to stay safe and trust what your body tells to you, so don't mess around with numbing stuff on your ass.

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MakiaVi: The Frozen King - Chapter 5

Remember to stay safe out there." "i will." riza replied.the four of them left the house and waved to riza's family as they flew west towards the makiavi.they flew past acres of beautiful golden plains with a river running parallel to them.

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MakiaVi: The Frozen King - Chapter 5

Remember to stay safe out there." "i will." the four of them left the house and waved to riza's family as they traveled west towards the makiavi. they flew past acres of beautiful golden plains with a river running parallel to them.

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Julia's Discovery

stay safe, and don't stay up all night with your friends. we'll call. -your parents. ps-when al gets back, please don't beat him up...

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Falling Apart Aside: 5-1 - Nekoboy History

Shi wanted me there to make sure he stayed safe. in the last paragraph, shi told me why i wasn't told a lot of this sooner. only those with "omega"-level access are allowed to know anything about the other timeline.

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If I only could make that deal

Someone who could not die as long as he stayed safely tucked away in my thinking space. he smelled of rain and wind, had short blue hair and these intimidating yet calming silver eyes. i would try to convince him to trade me places. he was my god.

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