Born For Loyalty Chapter 10

"hey the reason i'm so good at my tricks is because i apply both my instincts and my smarts and i bet the wonderbolts do as well." dawn looked a little sad and she wing hugged her. "hey will worry about that later.


COMMISSION: Love and War: Scootaloo vs Rainbow Dash

But in order to live up to dash's example, she'd had to join the wonderbolts.

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And after she met shine, a silly pipe-dream like 'joining the wonderbolt's' hadn't seemed so important any more. raindrop still kept up with the training regime that the wonderbolt's posted on billboards.

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I am reminded of the the health benefits of milk

'i just got a letter from the wonderbolts agreeing to hold mediation talks!' 'you did? why haven't i got a copy?' i turned to the in box and rifled through it for my copy.

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Saving the ponies Chapter 9: Really? Like, seriously?

Of course, since the owners were currently the wonderbolts, who had bought the giant stadium from its previous owner, they couldn't be present to manage it 24/7.

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Rainbow Blitz and the Changelings -Prologue

Blitz made it in record time, well except for the wonderbolts, buts it's nearly impossible to beat them. he had decided to land in the center of the shopping district and started looking around.

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Giving Love a Helping Hoof: Chapter 3

We even got into the wonderbolts dressing room, that was awesome! we went and had lunch at a cafe, then we just wandered around cloudsdale for a while. it was like i said: boring. i'm built for speed, not for walkin' around.

Chapter 1: The Spell

"h-how am i going to t-try out for the wonderbolts now!?" thunderlane wailed. allie lay down beside him, too stunned to know what to say. she put one of her legs around him, holding him close while he cried. it wasn't the tears that surprised her.

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FR: Pinkamena

Rainbow dash is this super-competitive pegasus who wants to join the wonderbolts-" "the wonderbolts? not, like, a ponyville offshoot?" \>"i know, right? but she's in the academy and everything." "sounds like someone celestia would like."

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Chapter 3: The Journey Begins: Ponyville Part 2

By now everypony including the wonderbolts were curious as to what was going on. the wonderbolts were ready to start but had to wait on celestia's go ahead as always when she was in attendance.

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MLP: The Four Infinity. Chapter 1: INCOMING!!! A new kind of creature lands in Equestria.

Rainbow dash was enjoying the show that the wonderbolts were putting, one of them known as spitfire: captain of the wonderbolts, spotted dash and wanted her to perform her famous 'sonic rainboom' for them, which she was keen on, of course.

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