The Sacrificial Room O-o

_**the following story is two thursday prompts in one.

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The Sacrificial Room

The following story is two thursday prompts in one.

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Marry Me

A thursday prompt story, from my friend duroc's thursday prompt for 5th march, 2015. characters are both copyright to me, seth drake. the world swims around me in a peculiar haze.

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Chicken Bones (Thursday Prompt 13/9/12)

Chicken bones are well worth the scavenge if you can get to them. They seem to predict much better than others. To this day they've never made a mistake. I've been using them for years and they never let me down. Of course, the universe has a way of...

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Prison Cell (Thursday Prompt 23/8/12)

I know it's been a while since the prompt was released but I haven't gotten around to submitting it, what with college and all. Anyway, the prompt was "Prison Cell" and this is what became of it. I find that it's in a voice I don't usually write in but...


The Purpose of PPE (Thursday Prompt 9-2-10)

The purpose of ppe thursday prompt 9/2/10 reian the gym was damp and hot, the smell of sweat mixed with smoke would hurt any fur's nose. the gym was decorated with a mixture of sports figures and firefighting gear and murals.

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The Rabies Ward

The prompts can be found at the thursday prompts fa page. this week's prompt was from this image the floorboards groan under the weight. my flashlight swivels towards the sounds; it's beam piercing the dusty air.

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#12 of thursdays written for my friend's thursday prompt, 27th july, 2014. when i was a younger dragon (for i'm not yet old), the headmaster of my school had a favourite prayer, that of st ignatius loyola.

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Harvest by pyrostinger a thursday prompt response - check out for details i love raves. there are many reasons why i do.

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Leaving Home

In case you don't know what the thursday prompts are, they are a word or phrase provided by poetigress on fa meant to inspire you to write whatever comes to mind.

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The Cost Of Illicit Activity In Central Park

This story was originally a submission to furaffinity's [url= prompt[/url] writing group.

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Here, Fishy Fishy!

This story was originally a submission to furaffinity's thursday prompt writing group. **here, fishy fishy!

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