Isle of Ikushu Chapter 3

About a dozen green tentacles were snaking their way out of the opening flower, all about three inches thick and having untold length.

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Before i knew it, my eyes were snaking up his arm, watching him work that cream. those muscles bunching back and forth as sweat slowly formed on his arm. i swore i saw one trickling down his bicep teasingly.

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A Snakish Attraction

The inside of cynthia's house was a jungle, literally...and there were snakes everywhere. he was broken from his amazement by a hissing "enough" and a dull thud. he looked over and saw that cynthia had fallen to her belly.


Invasion of the Hypnosnakes! (Chapter 1)

Six to seven feet long each, descending from the ship were... snakes? the strange serpents circled through the air as they descended and, as they came upon the skyline, changed direction and made their way inside the neighboring buildings.

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Alcatraz Ch. XXI-Kallisti Pt. II

Even before desanta they were snakes... "i fought in the spanish revolution when i was about your age. at first, i was indifferent to the cause, i just kept my head down... but my father was killed when he was ambushed."

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Succubus, satyr, slave, sex, sadism

Even as she obeyed, they were snaking once, twice around her wrists and pulling tight while the demoness handled one of those hooves personally, allowing the rack to handled the other.

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Chapter 23: Bound

She knelt there still breathless, amazed that the vines were snaking back and that her wrists and ankles were now free. nuru grabbed her by the mane without warning and forced her down on paws and knees.

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Thawing Season

The tawny beginnings of his mane were snaking down around his ears, but he kept his hair short for sports and general hygienic reasons.

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Chapter 10 - Training Regimen! The Way of the Dragon vs The Dragoon! (Part 1)

Again they were snakes like kayla, covered in shiny silver armor and armed with spears. rizan and shyranrya didn't plan on making any ruckus, nor did michael as they nervously were backed into a wall, "h-hey!

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Panic buys a new necklace (FloofNinja commission)

Besides, most of them were snake oil, anyway. every review of the lily boutique, though, had sworn its products were legit, so here he was, buying an amulet on a simple, fine leather chain, made of wood carved in the shape of a mustard seed.

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He Was a Monster: a Bal'kar Story

Or maybe they were snakes? they glistened, catching the green light from above like polished metal. the light itself seemed housed in a round frame of some sort, from which the light escaped, projected into the indifferent smog.

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At first she thought they were people wearing elaborate snake costumes, but it was soon obvious they really were snakes of a sort, albeit bipedal ones with fully developed hands.

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