Used Books

Wednesday mornings were always particularly quiet at the used book store, especially during the summer season. While parents were out going to work and most cubs were just waking up, a young fox named Summer was already awake and ready for the day....

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Tony's Room - Greg

Greg pulled up to the café half an hour early to the scheduled meeting time that he and Tony had arranged online. He parked his car next to the curb by a parking meter, cut off the engine and sat in the vehicle for a moment to collect his thoughts. He...

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A Different Kind of Apocalypse

A Different Kind of Apocalypse By Summerfox The term "Apocalypse" is typically associated with the End Times: complete and utter destruction at the hands of an angry God-deity or an unforgiving universe. All throughout history, humans have...

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Sunshine Days - Chapter 39

Watching the sun rise was simultaneously the most beautiful and awful thing Jonathan had ever witnessed. The sun rose above the horizon shortly before six in the morning, right above the sleeping camp. It illuminated the mountains off in the distance,...

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Sunshine Days - Chapter 38

_Taken from The Redding Journal, June 18 2005_ _Local Pastor Arrested for Drunken, Disorderly Conduct_ _A well-loved and respected pastor faces public intoxication and possible cub endangerment charges after they were arrested Thursday evening at an...

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Sunshine Days - Chapter 37

Jonathan left the bathrooms and headed towards Cabin A holding paws with David, who in spite of Vince's protests, was almost naked except for his white briefs. Jonathan had ventured out with his normal clothes on, tee shirt, jeans, even socks and shoes...

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Sunshine Days - Chapter 36

After the commotion had calmed down, Vince gathered up his crew for the Shindig and went to work on getting it back off the ground. Those who were not involved either in attending or organizing the party were ushered back into bed, in spite of all the...

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Commission: Spirit of the Socks

Crisp slept soundly among the blankets and clothes that had been left on his bed, sprawled out on his back and his head tilted to the side. The rest of his dorm room appeared to be in a similar state of disarray; Clothes and sneakers were strewn about...

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Good Boy!

Jamie pedaled as fast as he could down Cedar Street, gears fixed so that each rotation of his feet rocketed him forward with exhilarating speed. The tips of his ears poked out the top of a clunky blue helmet, flapping wildly in the wind. The wind...

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A Friend in the Dark

_The following story is a work of fiction and is meant to be taken as such. It contains graphic sexual content that is not meant for those under the age of 18. Read at your own risk._ _But most of all, enjoy! :3_ A Friend in the Dark By...

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Sunshine Days - Chapter 30

Pastor Durham stroked himself as he went down on Eddie, sucking his cock and listening to their heated moans and deep breaths. He was so caught up in their own noise that he didn't notice the soft, sharp, whining noise coming from the doorway. Or that...

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Sunshine Days - Chapter 29

Pastor Durham couldn't have been in a better mood that evening. While everything else seemed to be falling apart around him and his congregation, at least one thing had finally become manageable. Every year since he'd taken up responsibility in...

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