I've Lost Count of the Homes That I Have Lost

On the plus side, i think this "sonnet, blank verse, envoi" form has promise, it needs a name though. i've lost count of the homes that i have lost. one time too many i've been driven out.

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I Think About Revenge Most Every Day

I think about revenge most every day. I pray for it, to it. I draw its eye. I hive its hissing hornets in my heart. I wear its mask and mantle. People say They do not understand how you can live Like that. No more do I! Yet nonetheless I must...

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Accompanied by Tornado Siren

I do like the sonnet/blank verse/ rhymed envoi pattern it produced. i think it deescalates and escalates similar to the way that musical theatre might use breaking into song, lapsing back into dialog, then having a big finishing number.

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Autoimmune Scarring of the Myelin Sheath

The coming summer heat looks to be cruel As ever it has been. Grey autumn can Not easily come soon enough for me. And what an evil fate is ours, my love, That such embittered words should ring so true. That at the highest loft of light and...

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Account of Presumed Ecstatic Experience during Initiation Rite in Unidentified Mystery Religion

It doesn't really matter how I died. Whether of time or tide or tiredness, But after this, the journey of my life I woke, to find myself in a dark wood. The way was lost, the night was long, and I Was more alone than I had ever been. It...

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Searching for Solace

I may as well call sunny town the 'village of the blanks'. i stared at her for a few seconds before sighing and resting my head back down onto the pillow behind me. the clopping of hooves came closer until the pony was looking right down at me.

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Portrait of a Lonely Wolf

For every day, somebody else has left. For every day, another empty house. For every day is closer to the day When he will be the only one still here. The only one to never find a way To any other place. His road goes but In circles. And he...

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Preamble of a Straitjacket...

**Preamble of a Straitjacket... Pt 1** The tidel wave of beeps and clicks From all the phones and computers Sound like it's World War two in here, Which could cause anyone to crack, It feels like my whole world is stuck Inside one...

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Chapter 3: The Zebra and the Blankness

Jay tried to remember if there'd ever even been an armed robbery in town, and came up blank.

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Return of the Blanks (MLP Fic)

The picture i used for this story belongs to its respective creator (if you know who made it, drop me a line so i can credit the person :3) return of the blanks by veedway a fan-made continuation to a fan-made product story of the blanks inspired by my

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Blank Verse Experiments #1

#1 of blank verse experiments here is the first of what i intend to be a series of experiments in blank verse. this one is done in iambic decameter, which i had previously said incorrectly was pentameter.

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If you Want Something Done Right

Chuck laughed slightly when he found that as his own penis slid into the blank he started to see one forming where his hands teased the creature, though as he watched the maleness form from over the blank's shoulder his eyebrows rose slightly when he saw a

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