Bill & Odell's Car Wash

"we'll get your car looking as shiny as the day you drove it off the lot!" "when your car needs washed, take it to the beaver and otter!" "we give a 'dam' about your car!" "and our deals are 'otterly' fantastic!"

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First steps: Chapter Two

There was a loud thud and a crack as i pushed my body to the limits, knocking the car away from the tree.

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Motherly Love 9

A car explosion. what if something happened to him while he were in the maze...?

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Filthy: Chapter 3

We hopped right on into coby's car and drove down the road, laughing, having a good old time,when suddelny coby applied the brakes, just ahead was a dark green volvo and was heading straight towards us. coby swerved the car, off the road.

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The car crash gone furry prologue

#1 of the car crash gone furry i'm really excited for this story i bet you are too btw this my first story the main character michael gets into a car crash he was tooken to the hospital and was declared dead but with no living family the

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Dragons Lair pt 21

He sighed and started driving forward, pushing the cop car out of the way. the police jumped out of the way of both cars and started firing. the bullets impacted the car and bounced off, leaving not even a scratch.

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Chapter II: Prologue to Chapter III

I'm going to take a leap of faith and trust you, so you go with sharky here to the east side mob attack, and me and eric will go to the other mob attack, dam we have to make those mobs disband.", jackson said going towards his garage and heading for his car

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An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 12-Final Preperations

"us",tristan said,"people bring there cars to us to work on for races or just to have us build their dream car,lately,we've had a lot of super cars coming through." tess and tristan talked for a few minutes before dj pulled back in with the pizza.

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An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 11-The Party

I asked leaning onto the car. "yes i did seth",he said killing the car,"i heard from your dad at work yesterday that you guys were going to a race?" "we are",i replied,"why?"

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An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 10-Birthday Surprises

Seth and his friends have the lofty dream of seeing one of their cars on the 128 miles of road america.

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An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 9-Race Prep

Seth and his friends have the lofty dream of seeing one of their cars on the 128 miles of road america.

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An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 6-The Hunted

Seth and his friends have the lofty dream of seeing one of their cars on the 128 miles of road america.

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