Bathroom Experiments

Bathroom Experiments A short, wicked story by Meru ([[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection)) Many thanks to AndrewNeo, who read the story first and encouraged me to write more ;) * * * Watching the night fall over the small village...

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A Bottle of Demon Juice - Precursor to 2

Spring Break was coming to a close. That one week-long break after midterms and before the teachers assigned the bigger projects. The Demon Juice had been left untouched since Mizu had transformed, but I was already formulating plans for it. For...

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Caeruleus volunteers.

My first attempt at a story. Perhaps my last too, but I just had to write this on an impulse. Don't expect it to be well-written, but it's just about passable to me. I've certinly seen worse. (Classified as M/Solo as the vixen plays only a...

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It Must Be Bunnies

It Must Be Bunnies By Nickylion It was a Friday night, and the Elysium was already hopping as the bunny made his way in. The bear bouncers nodded, politely parting the crowd for the small lapine as the other opened the 'barrier' that kept out...

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Growing Pleasures pt. 1

He snorted to himself; maybe it was just another hoax thing, they just had some chemicals that made your cock sensitive.

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Valhalla Industries : The Meaning of Control

: freebies vol. 54: chemicality edition!]( **valhalla industries part two: the meaning of control** "...and just one more initial here. okay! we're finished with the paperwork.

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Chris and Sera

All right I finale got to doing chapter 3 tried something a little different. Mind the grammar Chapter 3 Chris walked into his families' cave he smelt a familiar sent in the air. His older sister was back. "Sera I can smell you from a mile away...

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Writing Challenge: 01/05/2020 Week

The sky a deep red from chemicals pouring into the atmosphere. the golden lion felt fear for the first time in a long while. "i think they're dying down." gabriel coughed hoarsely, barely able to breathe through the thick air.

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TNR chapter 7

"Rain, we need to talk." Nekir said as he walked into the cave with her nearby. "What is it Nekir?" Rain asked feeling that Nekir was acting funny for the past 3 months. "Rain, I love you dearly, but your more of a sister than a lover." Nekir...

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Bio Dome Ch 1

Meet Alex, a scientist who delves in super advanced genetics also known as S.A.G... He has been working his entire life into creating a biological zone where all of the animals in it, were originally humans. So far, he has succeeded. The problem...

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Part II - Main Course

The second part of a three part series. Insert witty claimer here about sexual content between two male wolves, and how its illegal to read if your underage. Grylor is copyright himself, and Two Skins is copyright Eldyran. On to the main course, shall...

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Drinking Problem

The snake hissed in pleasure, the chemicals from the ryokum making this all the more pleasurable.

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