The Princess's Plaything Part I

After devouring the plate of cookies, a helping of jelly, and then another plate of cupcakes, she was certain that the substance of the food was enchanted as well.

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Time Out Ch. 3

Cory took another bite of the cupcake, "oh my god this tastes so good, you should really try it." "that's it, you're going to straight to prison, 200 years hard labor for crimes against my cupcake."

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Ishari - chapter 4: Humble Beginnings

"you know, sarah," she said, "we should go check out the dowls' booth and see if they have any cupcakes yet." "helen!" sarah said accusingly, her face, however, all smiles, "you just came here to see johnny!"

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Face of an Angel, Mind of a Succubus

After hanging up his apron he quickly made a beeline for the open box of cupcakes with purple frosting on the counter right next to a closed one. "don't mind if i do..." he smiled as he took a bite out of the cupcake.

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Challenges: Chapter 1 "Wrong Mind Set"

._ _..good luck buddy, the cupcake is wrapped in plastic._ _marcel and paddy flew around the corner to see what was going on._ _itchy placed the wrapped cupcake between his front paws and tried opening the package with his teeth._ _in between growls he

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patches fart

Rebound and cupcakes said aww it kinda stunk up the whole tunnel and lucky cookie and niblet and squirt holding there nose and they grab patches take him outside released him outside finish his bad gas.

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Sweet Treats: Maggie's Story

If maggie were older ginger would have explained that the cupcake she ate was laced with a special sort of medicine that would keep her from fully digesting.

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Week 2

He picks up a 1 cupcake and eats it whole, tossing the other away. it's jon's turn. "i don't want you to leave mike." jon says. he proceeds to eat the 2 cupcake. that's one vote each. robert walks into the kitchen next. "what do i do?"

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end of days cakes are sweeter

Shire started to thrust, slowly but then getting into a rhythm, cupcake moaned and thrust into him, she was enjoying this a load.

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Lessons In Happiness - Part Four

How about we make some more cupcakes tomorrow!"           i chuckled. "sure, we'll make some cupcakes tomorrow." i walked out the door, hearing applejack offer to help as i headed down the road.          

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Centaur Rush

The mint green colored bull/horse turns around and sees a short stocky built lion wearing nothing but a white apron and holding what seemed to be a cupcake.

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A Ponyful Of Paradise

By the tone she used, cupcake knew exactly what orcan indulgences the birdy babe implied.

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