The Opposite of Tease

A warm breeze tousled the otter's fur as she unzipped her shorts and pushed them down to her ankles, panties following soon after, letting them pool on the soft riverbank beside her already-discarded sandals.

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She snatched yet another uzi, discarded the empty one and ran on to the next flight of stairs. hans picked up the discarded item, reloaded it and then he followed her post haste. once upstairs he heard yet more gun fire.

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The Map To Everything: Chapter 4

Earth has been drained and discarded, mars has been terraformed as best it could, and the people(or furs) of earth have moved on, spreading across the galaxy.

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The base looked familiar, but the bronze of a mare very like herself playing happily with a group of mostly human children, among discarded armor, was completely new to her.

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Floral Frolics 2

With each step, tik tik discards another piece of clothing, dropping her belt of supplies, including her precious journal with all her magical incantations.

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Badcop's eyes widened behind his dark sunglasses, when the other cop motioned to the white toilet that was discarded there by someone, and badcop felt his anger begin to boil as the grin on the other cop's face got wider.

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Meet Me in the Maze (Patreon)

Carlos took his hand and lead him over to a blanket that he had laid out on the ground in preparation for the night, a discarded dufflebag off to the side being how he was able to inconspicuously bring it in.

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Round Three part 1; Sibling Rivalry

They discarded every card in their and drew the same amount.

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Round 3 Part 1:Sibling Rivalry

They discarded every card in their and drew the same amount.

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The Collie and the Stallion

Helooked up at the stallion  whoconsequently had already discarded his shirt. the collie raked his eyes overthe hard muscles of the horse's abdomen, he was beautiful absolutely beautifuland all the collie wanted to do was to lick him.

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WWC: What happens in the north pole after Christmas night?

The rest of the herd discarded their harness and hung them up in the barn in their appropriate spots. santa followed the rest of the boys in the locker room.

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Tying up loose ends

As the two of clubs was played, eric discarded his only club from his hand, the nine. if another club was played he would be able to discard the queen and add thirteen points to the unlucky soul who would pick it up.

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