Enochian: Book 1, Chapter 17

#17 of enochian zerrex nodded as he slid out of the limousine, the driver bowing deeply and continuing to hold the door open for the others as cherry said apologetically for the hundredth time to the drakkaren that was pointedly ignoring her presence: "seriously

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Enochian: Book 1, Chapter 16

#16 of enochian when the soldier in predator gear opened the door for them, zerrex was surprised to see it was onto a small, square helipad that had been hastily but effectively put together, the drakkaren grunting a bit as he hopped out and adjusted blackheart

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Enochian: Book 1, Chapter 15

#15 of enochian afterwards, he washed her over... and she attempted to coax him into sex, but he refused, only fondling her breasts gently from behind and making her flush and mutter about him being a stupid romantic.

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Enochian: Book 1, Chapter 14

#14 of enochian once more, the drakkaren was on a plane; the difference, at least, was that this one was not only smoother than the last, it was much faster... and best of all, it was equipped with beds that had little railings to ensure you didn't roll off

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Enochian: Book 1, Chapter 13

#13 of enochian "fall back into double line formation, cherry at the head of one column, cindy the other."

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Enochian: Book 1, Chapter 12

#12 of enochian the reptile ignored the soldiers running for the alarm switches: he had no doubt that griswold would be overriding any other alarms that were set off, and instead the drakkaren charged straight ahead, stabbing his massive blade through another

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Enochian: Book 1, Chapter 11

#11 of enochian just before five, cindy woke up and yawned, stretching as she climbed out of bed and smiling a bit as zerrex rolled over to look at her lovingly, watching the way her body moved as he said idly: "you snore a lot and you walk like a male.

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Enochian: Book 1, Chapter 10

#10 of enochian he glanced back and forth a bit, then mumbled to himself discontentedly and got up, hobbling over to the television and flicking it on, before sitting down at the end of the bed â€" almost tripping over his own sword â€" and staring stupidly

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Enochian: Book 1, Chapter 9

#9 of enochian they failed to find him on their first search through the train, but on their way back through the food car â€" zerrex still chastising cherry about grabbing a handful of shrimp right out of the pan a cook had been holding and the now-male

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Enochian: Book 1, Chapter 8

#8 of enochian ruination... destruction. what's left of a great city is sprawled around him, and he stands in a field splattered with blood and blackened, shapeless bodies.

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Enochian: Book 1, Chapter 7

#7 of enochian thankfully, he did have business to attend to, and that helped him avoid spending too much time mulling on things that had been, and that which could have been, facing forwards and into the wind to try and drown out memories and his mind.

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Enochian: Book 1, Chapter 6

#6 of enochian cherry's head snapped up as she felt some terrible sensation of familiarity fill the air, fumbling the plates in her hands before grunting and quickly putting them on the counter, cindy looking up from where she was digging food out of the

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