Dragon Slayer

The tiger listened to the thunderous sound of footsteps, a purple miasma fuming through the foggy streets, and he knew from its sight that a single inhale would do him in.

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The New Rudolph?

I was actually the rudolph who took the lead of santa's sleigh on a cold night that was unusually cloudy and foggy." he stopped talking as he listened to the laughter. "that's a good one.

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Chapter I

The very man this all had happened to was standing on the prow of the ship he was cast upon and was gazing out in the foggy morning air as he pondered on the recent events that had molded his fate into what it was now.

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Identity: Chapter Five

The beach was incredibly foggy, and ned could just make out montoya's dark form ahead of him. diego was standing over the body when they reached him, his green eyes almost glowing through the fog.

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Thru Shadows Falling

Sinking into the mud, i breathe in one last breath of the cool, humid and foggy air, and then i am engulfed in the muddy earth. the sinking doesn't last long, for soon i am back in the darkness of the chasm, falling.


"A Little Experiment" - Story by Kaz

Slowly, he began to return to consciousness, his mind racing as his foggy vision adjusted to the bright lights.

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PMD Commission: Lover's Performance

The warmth he felt engulfing his cock was enough to make his mind grow foggy in the most wonderful of ways.

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Organizing memories lost among foggy thoughts & sensations i look back to see how lost to expect the future generations time a delusion, a must, a dream never to be woken i settle into the moment content, knowing what may

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The Back Room- Prologue

Aros' foggy mind doing register the fact that somebody was following him, nor did it register the sharp prick in his neck before it was too late and his vision was already turning black as he started to pass out.

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Not another job hunting

His sight was getting foggy, while mind numbed down with each minute. "take off your clothes..." he heard it, like someone was saying it from far away, but echoing in his head.

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HIM and I

Also if the ending's to foggy, basically she helped her mum go to sleep.) "it all happened sometime in august. i was having these weird flash-backs of my childhood. it was odd though, when i'd ask my parents about it...

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